The ADR and Business Lit CLE Committees of the Palm Beach County Bar Association presents : ADR Now - What the COVID are we doing ?
MONDAY , FEBRUARY 8th , 2021 8:30 A . M . - 12:30 P . M .
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Mark Greenberg , Esq ., ADR Committee Chair Breakthrough Mediation
ADR and Clearing the Court Backlog Part II Mediation and Mediation Arbitration
Speakers : Tami Augen , Esq , The Law Offices of Tami L . Augen , P . A . and Harry Shevin , Esq ., Shevin Law Firm PLLC Robert Wilkins , Esq ., Jones Foster Honorable Samantha Feuer , 15th Judicial Circuit and Honorable Glen Kelley , ! 5th Judicial Circuit
Diversity In ADR Why it is a good business idea ? Speakers : Lawrence Gordon , Phoenix Mediation and Stanley Zamor , Effective Mediation
Hot Topics in Arbitration Moderator : Donna Greenspan Solomon , Esq , Solomon Appeals , Mediation & Arbitration
Speakers : Adam Rabin , Esq ., McCabe Rabin , P . A . Darla Pustilnik , Esq ., Kobre & Kim Andrew Byrne , Esq . Andrew Byrne & Associates , P . A . and Rebecca Storrow , Ph . D ., Reg . V . President AAA
ADR Case Law & Ethics Update W . Jay Hunston , Jr ., Esq , W . Jay Hunston , Jr ., P . A .
This course has been approved for 4.5 General Credits and includes 1.0 Ethics and 4.5 Certification Credits in Business Litigation . The cost is $ 55 Gov ' t Members ; $ 85 Members ; $ 120 non-members . Refund request must be made no later than 48 hours before the seminar . Register online at palmbeachbar . org . Or by mailing a check to P . O . Box 17726 , West Palm Beach Name ___________________________________ Email ______________________________________
__ I will not be able to attend the Live Webinar , but would like to order the audio ( MP3 or CD ). The cost is the same as above plus $ 10 shipping and handling .