PRESIDENT ’ S MESSAGE Vision 20 / 20 – Focused on Recovery Step 7 – Why mentoring is more important than ever , both to the mentor and the mentee . Take the mentor challenge to make our profession better and help yourself in the process .

PRESIDENT ’ S MESSAGE Vision 20 / 20 – Focused on Recovery Step 7 – Why mentoring is more important than ever , both to the mentor and the mentee . Take the mentor challenge to make our profession better and help yourself in the process .

Dean T . Xenick 2020-21 PBCBA President
As I write this , the Covid-19 vaccine is in the initial stages of rollout and everyone is clamoring to get appointments , most of which are sold out within minutes of opening up . It ’ s like constantly trying to get tickets to a sold out rock concert , with much more significant consequences . Hopefully by the time this article is printed , there are increased doses available and those who need and want the vaccine can obtain it . And , of course , once that happens , hopefully we can start returning to normal with more in person events .
As we begin 2021 much in the way we left 2020 , with isolation and quarantining , one of the lesser recognized areas that we have seen a decline in is mentoring . As young lawyers , one of the biggest advantages of joining the Bar Association is the vast number of opportunities available to receive mentoring , both formal and informal , from more experienced lawyers . Due to the lockdown , some of these opportunities have been put on hold . But as we have done with everything in 2020 , your Bar Association has “ pivoted ” to provide as many mentoring opportunities available in 2020 , and we will continue these efforts into 2021 .
Pre-pandemic , simple events like happy hours gave younger lawyers opportunities to meet and interact with experienced lawyers in a casual setting , which would many times lead to a follow up lunch or phone call and the beginning of a professional and personal relationship .
Similarly , attendance at CLE programs , moderated by experienced attorneys , would give younger lawyers the chance to see how those lawyers would handle certain situations , while giving them the opportunity to ask questions of those more seasoned lawyers . Again , classic mentoring .
Mentoring is one of the single best mechanisms for a young lawyer to become a better and more respected lawyer . As they say about law school , “ law school teaches you the law , it doesn ’ t teach you to be a lawyer .” Much of what you will become as a lawyer , and as a person , is learned in the first five years of your professional “ life .” Who you interact with , emulate and learn from will all mold you as lawyer . Lack of mentoring is extremely detrimental to our profession .
Since mentoring is so critical , the Palm Beach County Bar Association has done its level best to provide as many mentoring opportunities as possible in spite of the obvious challenges . As such , I would recommend all young lawyers read the following and think about how you can use these events to make yourself a better lawyer . Further , and maybe even more importantly , I would encourage our more experienced lawyers to seek out younger lawyers for mentorship . Here is a list of just some of the past and future mentoring opportunities :
Coffee and Bagels with the Judges - This monthly event , now on Zoom , is even more intimate than the in-person meeting , in my mind . During these events , lawyers are put into small break out rooms with judges and other lawyers . This , in effect , “ gently ” forces everyone to participate in the conversation and takes away the hesitation some may have to walking up to a group of people they do not know .
CLE Events – These events are hosted by seasoned and professional lawyers who are well versed in their respective practices . This is “ mentoring from afar ” as you get the benefit of their experience by just attending . However , I can tell you from personal experience , there is no substitute for one-to-one mentoring . So , after the CLE , take it to the next level and reach out to those lawyers and set up a lunch or Zoom call to discuss further .
Coffee Talk Series – Another monthly series , this very informal gathering lets lawyers talk about topics having to do with anything but the law , which is a good thing . This is a social mentoring event , so look out for the next one .
New Attorney Lunch Series - By the time of this printing , the New Lawyer series , presented by the Judicial Relations Committee will just have concluded . However , you can order this on our website . This three part series on several important aspects of practicing in Palm Beach County , hosted by Judges and well respected local lawyers , is a MUST for those attorneys practicing 0-3 years and , to be honest , it is a must see for all lawyers .
What a Lawyer Looks Like – Our fantastic Committee for Diversity and Inclusion has started that “ What a Lawyer Looks Like Campaign ” which is geared towards highlighting diversity from those with diverse backgrounds and experiences . This is a prime opportunity for diverse younger lawyers to recognize , and potentially reach out to , other lawyers from similar backgrounds and common experiences . This is a prime mentoring opportunity .
Bar Buddies Program : https :// palmbeachbar . org / bar-buddies-mentoring-program / The “ Bar Buddies ” Program is designed to help attorneys who practice in the Palm Beaches connect and serve as a sounding board for each other .
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