February 2020 February 2020 | Page 23

• You will learn to read someone’s personality based on their golf car upgrades. • At least one person in your community will have a bar cart attached to their golf car for cocktails on the go. • Golf cars are rarely for golfing. • Charging stations are offered throughout some communities. • Most everything you need is within the community. Grocery stores, schools, doctor’s office, etc are accessible by golf car in these self-contained communities. Although many things are different within these golf car communities, a few things remain the same. Safety is still a priority. Seat belts, wind- shields and headlights are a must. And driving under the influence is still a crime and can result in a DUI or worse. Teens still beg to drive and sneak the golf car out to go visit friends. Main- taining your vehicle, although it is a golf car, can still be expensive. Replacing batteries costs several hundreds of dollars and parts like sole- noids and controllers can wear out and require replacement. The Owner of WHEELZ Custom Carts & Acces- sories, Julie Starr was one of the industry’s first on-line retailers of golf car products. Her eCommerce store, www.WHEELZLLC.com, has been serving golf car owners since 2008 and the store remains a popular on-line shopping experience for golf car owners who want to take their golf cars to the next level. PowerDrive Solar Panel For those who reside within these communities, there is nothing like the wind in your hair each morning as you drop the kids off at school and head to the office in your golf car. Most resi- dents who live this golf car life wouldn’t trade it for anything. Extend Battery Life  Reduce Carbon Footprint  Increase Car Range For more information call: 515-292-7606 www.powerfilmsolar.com FEBRUARY 2020 23