Yamaha Expands Their Award-winning Elec-
tronic Fuel Injection (EFI) Technology to Shrink
Carbon Footprint
Yamaha Golf-Car Company is expanding the
award-winning success of their QuieTech™
Electronic Fuel Injection (EFI) car by making the
EFI system the sole source of power for all their
gas vehicles.
ering industry-leading fuel economy; low-cost
maintenance; 76% fewer pollutants than com-
petitors; and 12.8% more miles to the gallon
(45 MPG) over the competition** since 2016.
Starting November 2018, all Yamaha gas golf
cars will be expressing these environmental-
ly-friendly benefits while providing cost savings
and more miles of travel for customers.
Visit your local, authorized Yamaha dealer, or
yamahagolfcar.com, for more information.
“Our EFI engines are specifically designed,
engineered, and manufactured by us to ensure
that we are delivering the truest EFI cars possi-
ble, from the ground up,” says Tom McDonald,
President of Yamaha Golf-Car Company. “We
have been delivering the best to our customers
for over 60 years now, and we look forward to
doing so for the next 60 years through continu-
ous innovations like these.”
Yamaha’s award-winning* and technologically
advanced, QuieTech™ EFI cars have been deliv-
Etech Electric Vehicle Coc
From rides around the
neighborhood to quick
errand runs, the ETECH
vehicles make the neigh-
bors envious.
Introducing ELLWEE, the
next generation electric
golf vehicle. Enjoy fast-
er golf rounds with less
wear and tear. ELLWEE
offers a versatile, agile,
and fun driving expe-
rience. It’s time to say
goodbye to traditional golf carts.
www.ellweegolf.com • [email protected] www.etechev.com
Evolution Electric Vehiclesc Fat Tire Golf Sooterc
Evolution Electric Vehi-
cles, a leading manu-
facturer of golf carts,
off-roading carts, utility
vehicles and shuttle
buses. Our dynamic look,
body contouring, and
upgrade options result in improved quality electric
vehicles and carts, reduced time to market and low-
er overall cost.
www.evolutionelectricvehicle.com • [email protected] Premier 2-wheel Golf
Scooter for use at golf
resorts, private, and daily
fee courses. Our NEW
Exclusive Controller gives
us the most hill-climb-
ing torque of any golf
scooter. It features regenerative braking to slow the
scooter on the downhills and send energy back to
the battery for longer life.
www.fattiregolfscooter.com • [email protected]