Letter from the Publisher
We are proud to introduce our inaugural issue of Inspired Magazine and are grateful you are reading the work of
amazing Kids.
Our mission at Inspired Magazine is a simple one: To Inspire Kids. We believe that paying attention to Kids, allowing
them to share their work, their ideas, their thoughts and more, and providing them an opportunity to be published,
other Kids and adults to learn and to be inspired by the work of these Kids.
Join us in our efforts. Opportunities abound for you to lend a hand, including sharing our opportunity with all the Kids
you know and encouraging them to share their work. We are open to creating innovative partnerships with all others
others. Throughout this issue you will see remarkable art and read amazing writings, all while being inspired.
All the best,
Who We Are
Inspired Magazine is a free magazine that 100% of the content is provided by Kids (primarily between the ages of 1018). Kids, please go to www.ReadInspiredMag.com to submit your work! Plans are in place for Kids to also design and
produce upcoming issues. Our mission is To Inspire Kids.
Distribution already includes schools and classrooms throughout the Indianapolis metropolitan area, several area
businesses, and numerous organizations working with Kids, such as the Indianapolis Public Library.
We have been overwhelmingly met with great support and now our idea takes shape in our inaugural issue.
We will print every quarter and update our digital magazine each month through our Apple and Android apps and at
www.ReadInspiredMag.com each month.
Inspired Magazine
We are a passionate group of people, a former stay-at-home dad, and are committed to providing Kids with all the
opportunities that we can. Please spread the word about Inspired Magazine and join us in our efforts to recognize our
amazing Kids and inspire them to even more greatness. Please also consider supporting our cause To Inspire Kids
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