Hopes & Dreams
Resource Tool
Freedom prides
itself on developing
sales craftsmen. No
clerks here. Through internal training tools,
Friedman principles, and
human resources such
as your supervisor and
fellow associates, Freedom invests in you and
your success.
The Gold Star
Sales Magazine is an example of the perfect
training tool. Use this
monthly Gold Star Sales
magazine to sharpen
your abilities. The sky is
the limit!
Hopes & Dreams….
Our greatest dreams
never die. Your customers
may still be dreaming of a
new TV or home theatre to
enjoy the Super Bowl.
Now may be easier
than ever to make this dream
come true. Tax season is here
and they may already have
their refund. Help them spend
it! A new HD TV is the next
best thing to sitting behind
the end zone. Plus, a surround
sound system will make them
feel like they are screaming in
the stands too. As a salesperson, it’s your job to convince
your customers to enjoy their
refund with a purchase from
Reach out to your customers.
Ask probing questions to help
them make their dream come
true. It’s never too late. Use your
selling skills to suggest the best
home theatre options to meet
their needs.
When you make the sale,
that is a win. Your customers will
probably throw a Super Bowl
party to show off their new TV or
home theatre. When they refer
all their friends because of your
great service, that’s a double
win. Or better yet, a double
dream come true.
So give your customers a
ring. Speaking of ring, Valentine’s
Day is right around the corner.
But you didn’t need that reminder. You’re a sales expert!