Andrea Lewis 2024-25 PBCBA President
Dear Members ,
The year is off to a great start ! Be sure to check out the PBCBA calendar , website , and social media pages to see all of the exciting events and activities scheduled in the months ahead .
Civil Rule Changes
The Florida Rules of Civil Procedure have recently undergone significant updates that will affect many aspects of civil litigation practice . To ensure our members are fully informed and prepared to implement these changes , the Palm Beach County Bar Association has produced a series of webinars that provide an in-depth review of the new rules , discuss their practical implications , and offer guidance on adapting your practice to stay compliant . In case you missed them , these webinars can be found on the Bar ' s YouTube channel by visiting www . youtube . com /@ pbcba .
I would like to recognize the members of our Judicial Relations Committee and Civil Practice Committee for all of their efforts in putting together these comprehensive presentations . They have been extremely proactive to ensure that our members can get ahead of the changes and can seamlessly integrate them into their practices . I would like to thank Judge G . Joseph Curley , Judge Sarah Shullman , Bridget Berry and Ron Ponzoli for their efforts in preparing and presenting such an exceptional program for our members .
New Leadership – State Attorney and Public Defender
I am pleased to share an exciting update about new leadership within our legal community . Following recent elections , two of our members have been sworn into lead key offices in our local justice system :
• Alexcia Cox was sworn in as State Attorney . This accomplishment is particularly significant since she is the first Black person and first woman to hold this important role .
• Daniel Eisinger has been sworn in as the new Public Defender . Prior to being elected , Daniel worked at the Public Defender ’ s Office for more than 20 years and served as the Chief Assistant to former Public Defender Carey Haughwout .
Both leaders have already been extremely supportive of the Bar ’ s efforts to expand our outreach to government attorneys and to develop programming and initiatives that will keep them engaged .
Lastly , on behalf of the Palm Beach County Bar Association , I would like to thank Carey Haughwout and former State Attorney Dave Aronberg for all of the years they dedicated to serving the citizens of our community .
Bench Bar
The 2025 Bench Bar Conference will take place on Friday , March 7 , 2025 at the Palm Beach County Convention Center in West Palm Beach . To register , go to https :// www . palmbeachbar . org / 2025- bench-bar-conference /. To view our current list of sponsors or to become a sponsor , visit https :// www . palmbeachbar . org / 2025- bench-bar-sponsors /.