Feb 2024 | Page 2

2 February 2024 Pamplin Media Group

CCC President ’ s Corner


Looking at the CCC board ’ s goals for 2024

It ’ s that time of year . Perhaps we have set personal resolutions for 2024 . Travel more . Eat less . Exercise more . Learn to play pickleball . Join a book club . The Charbonneau Country Club Board of Directors sets resolutions as
SHEVLIN well . Only we call them goals .
Setting goals is a crucial step in ensuring that an organization is moving in the right direction . It is used to prioritize efforts ,
effectively allocate resources and align critical decisions with the wishes of our community . When setting goals , business leaders suggest using the SMART approach : SMART stands for Specific , Measurable , Achievable , Relevant and Time-bound . They should also be prioritized , with a clear plan to reach short and long-term goals .
The CCC board establishes goals based on a number of factors . The reserve budget drives the decision for many of our goals , outlining both large and small items or projects that need repair or replacement . Feedback from our community is another important way of determining our goals . In 2019 , the board recognized that the game of pickleball was receiving increased interest in Charbonneau . After receiving feedback from the community that Edith Green Park was not the best place to build pickleball courts , a decision was made to place a cover over the two outdoor tennis courts at the Sports Center and design the courts for both pickleball and tennis . At the same time , a formal survey of the community guided the board to develop the land at
Edith Green Park for multiple uses . Dog lovers will soon be able to enjoy the park alongside residents who enjoy bocce ball , basketball and picnicking . These are both examples of goals set by the board after receiving direct feedback from the community .
Monitoring our goals is as crucial as setting them . As we head into 2024 , the board is actively reviewing our current goals . Some of them are at or near completion . Several have fallen under the city of Wilsonville ’ s detailed permitting process and taken longer than planned . Following is a review of the 2022-2023 goals and a summary of progress . 1 ). Expand the marina parking lot : expect completion by Spring 2024 . 2 ). Replace siding and windows at the Clubhouse : COMPLETE . 3 ). Develop emergency infrastructure plan : COMPLETE . 4 ). Develop short- and long-term plans for the clubhouse : COMPLETE . 5 ). Construct phase 1 of Edith Green Park development : underway , expect full completion by Spring 2024 . 6 ). Cover two outdoor tennis courts : awaiting permits , expect completion late Spring 2024 .
7 ). Finalize security plan : Complete with the exception of the Sports Center , which will be completed in May / June 2024 . 8 ). Procure generator for the Activity Center : COMPLETE . 9 ). Replace accounting and budgeting system : COMPLETE . 10 ). Get agreement with the city on repainting crosswalks and repaving some needed streets : French Prairie crosswalks complete . Pending paving of side-street crosswalks and paving on identified streets . 11 ). Advance effectiveness of CCC ’ s communication channels : COMPLETE .
In March , the board will be holding a work session to develop the 2024-2025 goals . Some of the goals will be determined based on the Charbonneau 2040 plan , which is currently in its final assessment and recommendation phase . All residents are invited to attend the March work session and observe the process . It is scheduled for March 6 from 1-3 p . m . In the meantime , hit the gym , read a good book or call your travel agent . Time ’ s a-wasting , 2024 is marching along and you ’ ll want to stick with those new year ’ s resolutions . At least for another month or two !

Here ’ s how information is disseminated in Charbonneau

We update residents on communication platforms that can keep people informed

By LAURA SCHOTT Charbonneau Communications Commitee
Just before the winter ice storm hit , the Charbonneau Communications Committee hosted a Fireside Chat in the Activity Center . There was a great turnout of wonderful people , and what started as a presentation quickly turned into an interactive event . Charbonneau Country Club President Anne Shevlin kicked the night off and I took the baton , covering where we ’ ve been and where we are going with communications in our community .
One guiding principle for the committee and for the CCC Board is a desire to be transparent
with decisions and processes . This is of course a moving target – trying to get all information to every person is a lofty if not impossible goal ; however , what we are doing to pursue this goal is creating communications options for delivery of information and for feedback to better serve the community .
During the Fireside Chat I presented information on the following communications mediums available to our community ( there are more , for example additional Facebook groups , but the following are the ones we produce in-house ): The Villager , the CCC website , E-Blasts and Facebook . While many of us are familiar with these , here is a quick summary of what they are and what they do :
The Villager is a Charbonneau resident favorite and is our monthly print publication . It includes recaps of community events , special interest stories , info about upcoming events , schedules and ads . We love The Villager and it is our original means of communication as a community . One shortcoming of The Villager is that it is printed monthly and therefore is not our most dynamic or timely mode of communication . To fill in the gaps of a monthly publication , we are evolving the following :
The CCC Website hosts a wealth of information . Our committee and our CCC staff have been hard at work to help it grow into a platform that can keep pace with all that is happening in Charbonneau . The website can be changed with a shorter lead time than The Villager , and it is home to many topics that fall under headers like : “ Things We Do ” and “ How We Lead .” If you have not , I highly recommend checking out our website and all it has to offer .
Our Charbonneau Facebook page and E-Blasts ( Weekly Wednesday emails ) are the places people can go to get the most current info , simply because they are the most dynamic platforms with the ability to be updated most quickly . Brooke Dickenson , our activities and events coordinator , can send out information on these platforms in case there is a change to an event or an event notification that needs to be sent out faster or more frequently than what The Villager or website can accommodate . If there is a change to a recurring class please defer to your instructor or leader . Not all of those changes go out in these modes of communication ! Brooke and the communications committee would be busy all day if we managed each of these !
Lastly , we welcome ideas and feedback . Please utilize these modes of feedback so we can continue to improve our communication : Attend a Board of Directors meeting , participate on a committee , submit a question / send a submission idea to our committee or leave a note in the suggestion box in the CCC Activity Center .
In addition , please use our Communications Committee email address : communications @ charbonneaucountryclub . com if you have story ideas for upcoming releases . Thank you and happy February !
J . Brian Monihan Publisher bmonihan @ pamplinmedia . com
Corey Buchanan Villager Editor cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com
Kim Stephens Circulation
Kstephens @ pamplinmedia . com
( 503 ) 479-2378
Jesse Marichalar Display Advertising Jessem @ pamplinmedia . com
A Publishing Partnership ...
The Charbonneau Villager is a joint publishing partnership between the Charbonneau County Club and the Pamplin Media Group .
Advertising contact
Jesse Marichalar Jessem @ Pamplinmedia . com | 971-204-7774
Have an idea for a story ?
We want to hear about it . Corey Buchanan cbuchanan @ pamplinmedia . com | ( 503 ) 479-2378
ONLINE wilsonvillespokesman . com
Published monthly at 400 Second St ., Lake Oswego , OR , 97034 . Periodicals postage paid at Wilsonville Post Office and additional mailing post offices . POSTMASTER , send address changes to : Charbonneau Villager , P . O . Box 22109 , Portland , OR , 97269 ; 503-635-8811 ( USPS 021-752 ) Subscription rates : $ 36 per year in West Linn-Portland area ; all other areas inside Oregon and outside of Oregon $ 64 .