Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 54
that its products are
correctly applied to
achieve the maxi-
mum benefits for
the end-user.
February 2019 - Edition 32
Senstar works hand-in-
hand with its customers
and remains accessible
through all stages of
a project – from con-
cept to deployment to
long-term support.
Through the Senstar
and support program, Senstar offers Senstar is uniquely positioned to
comprehensive, multi-level ser- provide a fully integrated, uni-
vice options for all products.
fied platform.
Levels can be tailored to meet
specific requirements, ensuring all
Senstar security systems are prop-
erly installed, maintained and sup-
ported throughout their service lives.
Senstar’s world-class video man-
agement applications, appliances
and analytics turn video surveil-
lance into business intelligence,
and its market-leading portfolio
As the need for security continues of perimeter intrusion detection
to grow and requirements evolve, (PIDS) technologies provide op-