Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 46
Analogously, both
before and after an
attack, individuals
can be involved in
hiding or moving
across country.
February 2019 - Edition 32
ing the charac-
teristics of ter-
(Using exclusive surveillance footage see the last days of Stephen Paddock, the Las Vegas law enforcement
gunman, as he laughs with hotel staff and hauls bag after bag of weapons into his suite. and others can
Paddock was responsibe for 58 fatalities (excluding Paddock) and 851 injuries (422 by
gunfire) on October 1, 2017. Courtesy of The New York Times and YouTube. Posted on Mar gain insight into
22, 2018.)
whether an indi-
The likelihood of catching terrorist vidual might be involved in terror-
fugitives depends on many factors, ism.
including the skillfulness of the ter-
ror operative, their support network, Terrorists source their funds from
whether they make their way to a licit and illicit means.
safe zone or ungovernable area, the
The sources of such legally obtained
capabilities of intelligence and law
funds include personal accounts,
enforcement communities, and the
family, friends, corporate dona-
public’s contribution in ferreting
tions, loans, legal donations, litiga-
out the operation.
tion settlements, government enti-
tlements, and crowdfunding.
Terror incidents may take place in ar-
eas where the perpetrators live.
Illicit funding sources for terrorists
include drugs, weapons, human
Alternatively, an attack may happen trafficking, human smuggling, ex-
many miles away from their homes, tortion, fraud, robbery, theft, pick-
including overseas.
pocketing, cigarette or commodity