Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 41
a person may conduct a Other opportunities
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breach or an attempted intrusion of als involved in terrorism include rou-
a secure location.
tine police duties, such as conduct-
ing traffic stops, responding to calls
Proprietary documents or materials
for service, seeking witnesses to
may be stolen or diverted for future
crimes, and investigating activities.
use to gain access to a site.
Tips alleging suspicious behavior
Other actions indicative of mobili- may arise from an individual’s employ-
za tion toward terrorism—a state ees, coworkers, friends, neighbors, and
in which one concludes using vio- strangers.
lence is justified and necessary—
here or abroad include referencing
an interest in a martyrdom opera-
tion, expressing plans to travel to a
war zone or elsewhere overseas to
join a terror group, seeking guid-
ance for justifying violent acts, and
recruiting others to join a cabal.
Alternatively, individuals can be involved
in suspicious travel domestically or in-
At some stage, radicals may articu-
late their extremist perspectives to
They may vocalize their calls for vi-
olence online, of-
fline, or both.
Those active on-
line may follow ex-
tremist websites,
social media net-
works, blogs, and
online forums.
(Anis Amri, the Tunisian who rammed a truck into a Berlin Christmas market, was well
known by police and even counter-terrorism agencies. Posted on Dec 23, 2016)
Additionally, they
may get guid-
ance online on
multiple terror