Feb 2019 AST Magazine Feb 2019 AST Final Magazine | Page 38
such institutions
may mask malev-
olent activities
such as terror-
February 2019 - Edition 32
Some extremists
leave electronic
footprints (on-
landline/ (Where did Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik get their radical views and their
mobile phones), assault weapons? CBS spoke with Farook’s father and tries to trace the path from quiet
which contribute students to deeply religious mass murderers. Posted on Dec 6, 2015.)
to the prospects of detention.
Terrorists can be discovered at lo-
cations where radicalization and
Also, radicals use encrypted tech-
recruitment transpire, such as reli-
nologies making identification gious, educational, and recreational
more difficult.
institutions; workplaces, and pris-
One can also find
radicals at meet-
ings and demon-
strations aligned
with an extremist
group’s ideology.
(The owner of the building granted ABC News and other media permission to go
inside San Bernardino shooting suspects Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik’s apart-
ment following its seach by the FBI and SWAT teams. Posted on Dec 4, 2015.)
Also, terrorists are
sometimes recog-
nizable through
indicators such as