FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2022 | Page 10

The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges

The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges launches the "Borsa City" Comic Book


On April 10, 2020, continuing #StayHome #WithFEAS initiative, FEAS organized a special webinar for FEAS members and their staff, held by FEAS Deputy Secretary General Armenuhi Hovakimyan.

A global pandemic, how should your organization react to this? Are your project managers ready for managing crisis situations? Project Management Before and During Crisis from A to Z.

With COVID-19 sending everyone inside, most of us are wondering what to do with our free time at home. Instead of getting lost in the sea of scary news and predictions, turn your attention back to work. With many events going digital globally, and so many more resources already available online, now is the time to get ahead and bolster your skills. FEAS organized FEAS Webinars series to help you boost your skills or learn new ones.

We are all in this together, so let's make the most out of this quarantine period.

Monitoring of stock exchange data and information on Bloomberg terminal

This time FEAS Deputy Secretary General Armenuhy Hovakimyan was speaking about the report on “FEAS Member Exchanges Data on Bloomberg”.

This project would have been impossible to accomplish without the help and support of Ms. Sallianne Taylor , Global Manager at Bloomberg LP .

Thanks for your help, looking forward to our further cooperation!

The story shows how the capital market and stock exchange help youngsters, teachers, and parents to save the school and create a better future for the city.

Borsa City is available in 7  languages:

English,  Arabic, Armenian, Greek, Persian, Russian and Kazakh.

Meet the characters

And the actions of Short Sellers

FEAS-EURonext academy

Meet the characters

And the actions of Short Sellers

FEAS-EURonext academy