FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2021 | Page 85

Yearbook 2021


Securities Depository Center of Jordan

About Company

Established: 10 May 1997

Address: Capital Market Building, Al - Mansour Bin Abi Amer Street, Al - Madina Al-Riyadiya District, Al-Abdali Area

Working Hours: 8:00 - 16:00

Contact Person: Suha Al-Khalil

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.sdc.com.jo

- Joined FEAS in 2005-

Jamal Jallab

Acting CEO

In 2021, although the spread of Corona, SDC has been continued to dealing with its infection and aligning this with our organizational projects in light of national goals and visions, while in 2020 this pandemic go more further on online working for our employees and members, guarantee the cyber security and serving investor. The SDC reach goals and continue to achieve more goals in the coming years.

Year in review

Start working on the Strategic Plan (2021-2023).

Inter-connection with the Central Bank of Jordan through (VPN - Virtual Private Network)  to be effective as a back-up line in the event that the SWIFT system fails for any reason.

The SDC developed and built a central control system that links the SDC's electronic system (SCORPIO) and the new trading system (Optiq)

To ensure the continuity of the SDC’s business through developing and setting-up the electronic connectivity systems (VPN) to work remotely for both SDC’s employees and members in light of the Corona pandemic

Continuity of the SDC’s business.

Mr. Jamal Jallab

Bank Sector

Project of the year

Event of the year

Change of the year

Accomplishment of the year

Word of the year

Person of the year