FEAS is now 20 years old with every year full of energy, development
and eagerness to do better.
Mustafa Baltacı
Secretary General
Our annual report has a history of 18 years. But this
year, it comes with a bonus, a complete makeover
of its layout and content. The old version was an
in-depth analysis of every single market within
the FEAS broad-band community. It was rich
in content, however, a bit too long to keep the
reader’s attention alive to the very end. Instead,
we have reframed the content to make sure that
FEAS members have an opportunity to present
what their markets offer but in an easy-to-digest
mode. Readers now will find all key data of FEAS
markets as they will enjoy short reads of recent
developments and latest news. The idea is to
portray FEAS region as an asset class falling more
often into the screen of international investors.
This mantra is also one of the drivers in renewing
other corporate materials. FEAS website has been
restructured by supplying a more consistent and
broadband market data covering all FEAS markets.
Our database is perhaps the only reliable source
that market participants can collate info on
regional capital markets. Google search statistics
provide evidence that our corporate website has
been searched and accessed from all around the
world by thousands of users.
FEAS has contributed to the ever-evolving capital
markets through peculiar reports, surveys and
publications. Our landmark guideline “Exchange
Handbook” and only of its kind “Best Practices
of Investor Complaints” are only two of pieces
published this year. Our magazine “InterFeas” comes
out with a different topic at every issue as the last
one focused on “Related-party Transactions”.
We have debuted a new publication to brief on our
member markets. FEAS Newsletter has been posted
and circulated by hosting Bulgaria and Palestine at
the first two issues. We look into two further issues
this year. You may want to check out our website to
access to all FEAS publications. for the annual meetings in November. My sincere
gratitude goes to both NASDAQ OMX Armenia and
Tehran Stock Exchange for hosting the events. I
am also delighted to announce that 2016 spring
meetings will be in Bucharest, Romania and annual
meetings in Bahrain.
Our fellowship program which aims to solidify spirit
of FEAS fraternity by enrolling junior to mid-level
employees of our members is a distinct success. The
Egyptian Exchange hosted the program this year
with 12 participants. Muscat Securities Market will
be the generous host next year. Happy 20th anniversary FEAS!
It is also our pleasure to welcome new members
every year that encourages us to perform our jobs
better than ever.
Let us take this opportunity to celebrate our
anniversary. FEAS is now 20 years old with every
year full of energy, development and eagerness to
do better.
FEAS is a broad region which gives us the leverage
to rotate around it at every gathering. This year,
we convened in Yerevan, Armenia for the spring
meetings in May, and we will meet in Isfahan, Iran