FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2013 | Page 35

FEDERATION OF EURO-ASIAN STOCK EXCHANGES ANNUAL REPORT JUNE 2013 BUCHAREST STOCK EXCHANGE BVB’s Board approved facilities intended to stimulate the listing of new companies on the regulated market and on the alternative trading system. Lucian Anghel President of the Board of Governors 1. Support the successful closing of the state companies’ public offers During the first part of 2012, BVB designed and publicly submitted the technical and operational offer for running public offers through BVB. Out of the announced privatization program, the secondary public offer for Transelectrica was the only finalized offer, but represented a real success. During the first stage, BVB contributed to the promotion of the offer, by participating, along with the SPO syndicate, to a series of external dedicated roadshows, and by marketing the offer, through all accessible national and international means. BVB answered to participants’ and investors’ requirements by upgrading its rules and systems in order to comply with best international practices, as well as by ensuring transparency to the subscription process. Also, BVB got involved in regulatory activities and in activities of consultation of the main stakeholders and representatives of the involved authorities, with a view to increasing the chances of success for future offers. The Cooperation Memorandum with OPSPI was extended, and conferences, seminars and workshops were organized, having as topic the public offers executed via the stock exchange. 2. List new companies on BVB and increase the number of active investors In 2012, BVB continued its activities to attract new private companies on the stock exchange and to promote funding through the local capital market. These activities were aimed at monitoring the press, identifying and selecting potential companies meeting the requirements to be admitted to trading on the regulated market or on the alternative trading system managed by BVB, as well as at documenting on the selected potential companies and economic sectors within they operate, at organizing meetings with such companies and follow-up. BVB’s Board approved facilities intended to stimulate the listing of new companies on the regulated market and on the alternative trading system, both for issuers (exemption from payment of the processing fee and the fee for admission to trading), and for initiating companies (maintaining the measure on granting an EUR 2,000 bonus to each Participant which brings an issuer for listing on the regulated market and EUR 500 bonus to each Participant which brings an issuer for listing on the alternative trading system). Since the beginning of the last year, amendments to the BVB Code were operated, enabling the admission to trading on ATS of companies originating from non-EU member states. After the approval by the NSC of those amendments, by the end of March 2012, the first 5 American companies started trading on BVB’s ATS, their number increasing to 11 during the year. Also, other 5 companies originating from EU member states started trading on the ATS (the International Section), their number reaching 26 by end-2012. Also, the first Romanian company listed on ATS started trading on this market. BVB supported the companies intending to become listed on the ATS segment and the brokers by preparing a set of recommendations regarding the information to be included in the companies’ presentation documents for their listing on CAN-ATS. The promotion of the capital market among investors was made by organizing and participating to some events as the “Actuality in business” conference, organized by doingbusiness.ro, and “Entrepreneur, seeking financing” organized by Wall-Street.ro. Also, in 2012, “BVB Afterschool Investor” seminar took place, dedicated to the presentation of the financing through the capital market to Romanian SMEs. 3. Develop capabilities, products and services offered by BVB Group Last year, BVB supported the development of the structured product segment, the average number of such instruments available registering a significant increase compared to 2011. During 2012, a novelty element was the launching of the first bonus certificates issued by Erste Bank. The same issuer also brought to the market the first certificates having the E-mini S&P 500 futures contract as underlying asset. The development of the structured product segment also benefited from SSIF Broker’s initiative to join Erste Bank and Raiffeisen Centrobank in the process of designing such instruments, becoming the first Romanian issuer of structured products. BVB continued the steps started in 2011, by operating amendments to the BVB Code related to the implementation of a deal market for structured products, as well as a market for trading the redemption value related to individual issues of turbo certificate, in two successive trading sessions, when the “knock-out” price corresponding to the issue in question is reached. 2012 was also the year of launching the first Romanian ETF - undertakings for collective investments in transferable securities admitted to trading on the regulated market, having as investment policy objective the tracking (fully or partially) of BET index. BVB also supported mutual funds active in Romania, by building an investible index, namely the BET-BK index (Bucharest Exchange Trading Benchmark Index), to be used by fund managers as reference index. BVB answered this need by including BVB-listed foreign companies in the index structure and by implementing a calculation method which reflects the legal requirements and the investment limits of the funds (the calculation of the index takes into consideration criteria related to liquidity and the weights of the included companies). Another object achieved last year is the extension of the applicability of the global accounting system and the non-pre-validation mechanism to all financial instruments admitted to trading on BVB’s regulated spot market, enabling consistency with mechanisms used by developed capital markets, higher market attractiveness and accessibility for brokers. With regard to the technological platform and market architecture, in 2012 BVB invested in the development of the infrastructure of its own Data Center in compliance with the requirements of the NSC Instruction No 2/2011, the ESMA-EMIR requirements and the requirements of other standards in the field. These investments reflect the need for development and upgrading, taking into consideration the operating level reached by BVB in the last years, as well as the need to eliminate existing operating risks. BVB made efforts to develop the infrastructure with a view to supporting public offers, by taking measures involving: • flexibility, by configuring public offers in compliance with the prospectus approved by the NSC and the technical protocol between BVB and the intermediary of the public offer (which may require ways of disseminating subscriptions in real-time, implementing various types of allocations, etc) PAGE 33