ADX Performance in 2012
Shares & Market Performance
ADX General Market Index: at the end of 2012
was (2,630.86) at a percentile change of (9.52%)
in comparison to (2,402.28) in 2011.
• The traded value in ADX decreased by
(-10.78%) from AED (24.7) billion in 2011 to
(22) billion in 2012. Moreover, the average
daily traded value decreased by (-10.78%)
from AED (98) million in 2011 to AED (87)
million in 2012.
• Trading volume increased by (3.4%) to (16.4)
billion shares in 2012 comparison to (15.9)
billion shares in 2011. The average daily
trading volume increased by (3.4%) to (65)
million shares in 2012 comparison to (62.9)
million shares in 2011.
• During 2012, the number of executed trades
was (258) thousand trades compared to
(283) thousand transactions in 2011, a
decrease that is (-8.71%).
• ADX’s market capitalization has increased
from AED (261) billion at the end of 2011
compared to AED (285) billion at the end of
2012, with a percentile change of (8.86%).
• ADX’s listed companies are segmented into
nine sectors according to their services and
certificate of incorporation as follows: the
Banks sector includes (14) companies, the
Real Estate sector includes (4) companies,
the Consumer Staples sector includes (5)
companies, the Investment and Financial
services sector includes (2) companies, the
Industry sector includes (13) companies,
the Telecommunication sector includes (3)
companies, the Services sector includes
(6) companies, the Energy sector includes
(2) companies, and the Insurance sector
includes (17) companies. ADX Achievements 2012
The Bond Market at ADX • Using Free Float to Calculate the Index. A
Free-float index also reflects market trends
more rationally as it takes into consideration
only those shares that are available for
trading in the market. It also makes the
index more broad-based by reducing the
concentration of the top few companies in
the Index
• The trading value in 2012 was AED (147)
Million while the trading value in 2011 was
AED (85.7) Million. The trading volume in
2012 was (1.6) million units in comparison
to (1) million units in 2011. There were 59
traded deals in 2012 in comparison to 35
deals traded in 2011.
Exchange Traded Funds (ETF’s)
• The Volume of ETF trading in 2012 reached
(306.7) thousand units; while trading Value
was AED (1.5) Million with 6 executed trades
in 2012, in comparison to a traded Volume of
(476) thousand units in 2011 with a trading
value of AED (2) Million with 40 transactions.
• Obtaining full membership of World
Federation of Exchanges (WFE). ADX
is the youngest stock market to gain full
membership status in the prestigious
organization since the the WFE’s inception in
the 1960s.
• Launch of Trading System Replacement
Project. ADX signed an agreement with
NASDAQ OMX to replace the current trading
system (Horizon) with a new trading system
• Using Call Auction Mechanism to calculate
closing price. The migration from the current
system of Volume Weighted Average
Price (VWAP) will help ADX operate more
seamlessly with global systems.
• Obtaining ISO 9001:2008 in Quality
• Enhancing DVP Module
• The number of listed companies in 2012 was
(66) compared to (67) at the end of 2011.
During 2012. Fujairah Trade Center, which
is listed under Services sector, was delisted
from ADX.
Key Information Contacts
Abu Dhabi Chamber of Commerce and Industry www.abudhabichamber.ae
Central Bank of UAE www.centralbank.ae
Abu Dhabi Department of Planning and Economy www.adeconomy.ae
Contact Name Mr. Saif Sayah Al Mansouri
E-mail [email protected]
Website www.adx.ae