The power of knowledge
Ediz Usman
Founding Partner & Client Relations
Tayburn Group
With 34 years of experience in international as
well as European markets, Tayburn Ltd (UK) is
the biggest corporate communication company
in Scotland and one of the top-10 in the United
Kingdom. It has been 18 years since we began
blending Tayburn’s know-how with our own
knowledge of the local market and putting
them to work in the service of clients. For nearly
two decades we have developed and offered
productive, high-quality, and creative solutions
for some of Turkey’s leading companies in the
areas of annual reports, sustainability reports.
branding, design, advertising, and marketing.
Thanks to our expert team, to the knowledge
and experience acquired on our own and
through Tayburn, to our customer focus,
and to our innovative and creative approach
to service, we are today one of the most
sought-after service providers in the corporate
communication segment in Turkey. Our service
area as Tayburn is not limited to Turkey.
Because of our world-class know-how and
quality of service, we are also called upon by
clients operating in Europe and in neighboring
countries. Our own technological infrastructure
makes it easy for us to provide such clients with
fast, comprehensive service too.
Professional approach to business
One notion defines the reason for our existence
and our mission: Enable our clients to establish
and maintain accurate, sustainable, and high-
yield communication with their target audiences
by means of our high added value products
and services.
With our professional approach to business,
our national and international market
knowledge, and our global experience in
corporate communication we transform this
mission into reality for our clients.
Since the day we commenced operations, we
have been doing business and taking pride in
the knowledge that we have been consistently
successful in the face of Turkey’s rapidly
changing and developing market conditions
and, what’s even more important, that we have
been providing solutions that precisely serve
our clients’ needs.
Printed and online corporate
reporting and communicating with
Our activities in the area of reporting and
investor relations consist of the turnkey design
and delivery of:
• Annual reports
• Sustainability reports
• COP reports
• Investor relations products
• Corporate presentations
as well as similar products and services that
enable our clients to establish and maintain
timely, precise, uninterrupted, and transparent
communication with investors, shareholders,
creditors, business partners, customers,
employees, and the society at large.
Underlying all investor relations is the need to
communicate corporate information accurately
and clearly to investors, shareholders, creditors,
employees, business partners, and society
at large. Speed and transparency are of the
utmost importance in investor relations today.
It is vitally important for publicly-held companies
to keep abreast and quickly comply with the
requirements of national and international
regulations (Capital Markets Board, Sarbanes
Oxley, NYSE, LSE, etc). Providing truthful
information at the right time and in a format that
is easy to understand and to access heads
the list of the objectives of everyone involved
in investor relations in today’s world. Tayburn
offers clients in Turkey all the products and
services that they need in the area of investor
Conveying your message clearly to
the right audience…
Tayburn prepares and edits text in Turkish
and other languages to ensure that its clients’
messages are conveyed to their target
audiences clearly and effectively. We provide
high added value corporate communication
services in the following languages: Turkish,
English, French, German, Italian, Spanish,
Russian, Chinese, and Arabic.
High-profile corporate and
consumer brands…
In the areas of creating, developing, defining
and maintaining standards for our clients’
corporate and consumer brands, our brand-
related activities consist of:
• Designing logos and emblems
• Developing corporate identities from A to Z
• Launching and relaunching brands
• Consultancy services
Satisfying marketing needs in the
product/service-consumer cycle…
Our activities under the heading of marketing
consist of a providing all the advertising,
promotional, and corporate communication
products and services that our clients may
need such as:
• Advertising campaigns
• Corporate films
• Brochures
• Information kits
• Electronic presentations
Functional, robust, and audience-
specific web-based communication
Tayburn is dedicated to the creation of web-
based communication solutions that are highly
functional, robust, and audience-specific.
The knowledge and experience that Tayburn
has built up over the years is put to work to
develop whatever web-based products and
services its clients might need. Regarding
the ability to combine creativity with workable
solutions as the bedrock of all web-based
services, Tayburn comes up with solutions
ranging from corporate portals to investor
relations websites and from e-commerce
applications to web-based annual reports and
advertising / publicity campaigns.
Well aware that internet design demands
a thoroughly specialized understanding
and approach, Tayburn makes sure that it
is equipped with all of the resources and
competencies that may be required to satisfy a
client’s every need.