acted as the lead manager in 28 equity public
offerings and 20 bond issues, having been
involved with over 32% of the public offerings
and raising funds totalling TL 13.8 billion, is
the leader in the public offerings market in
Turkey in terms of both size and number of
transactions since foundation. Also since
2000, IS Investment has completed 88 M&A
transactions with more than USD 7.9 billion total
deal size – a number rendering the Company
as the leading investment bank as per the M&A
league rankings.
Also known with its pioneer role and innovative
reputation in the sector with new products and
market tools; IS Investment established the first
hedge fund in Turkey, in November 2008. IS
Investment has been the first local investment
house to issue warrants, IS Warrants were listed
in ISE in December 2010.
IS Investment has won several awards,
including in the category of Euromoney Awards
for Excellence “Best Equity House“ in 2007
and 2008, “Best M&A House” in 2009, and
“Best Investment Bank” in 2010 and 2011. IS
Investment was given “Financial Advisor of the
Year in Turkey” award by FT/mergermarket in
2010 and “Best Investment Bank in Turkey”
award by EMEA Finance. IS Investment was
also given the prize in “The Company with the
Highest Rating Score in Board” category by
Corporate Governance Association of Turkey
In 2011 IS Investment is…
• ISE Stock Market leader, with USD 60.5 bil-
lion trading volume and 7.3% market share.
• TurkDEX Market leader with USD 66.2 billion
trading volume and 12.6% market share.
• ISE Securities L/B Market leader with USD
1.3 billion trading volume and 24.9% market
• ISE Bonds&Bills, place third among broker-
age houses with USD 7.5 billion trading
volume and 10.2% market share.
• ISE Turkish Eurobonds Market leader among
brokerage houses, with USD 159.3 million
trading volume and 0.2% market share.
Since its establishment, IS Investment’s
International Capital Markets Division has
been providing direct access to financial
markets around the globe through its extensive
counterparty network. Dedicated assistance by
the industry’s top professionals have allowed
our clients to have a better understanding and a
broader view of investment products to achieve
their goal of a well-diversified portfolio.
As on-going measures taken by the major
central banks seemed to prove effective, global
markets continue their gradual recoveries
since the 2008 crisis, reaching closer to the
pre-recession levels. However, unfortunate
events following the earthquake in Japan led
to the largest nuclear disaster that took an
unexpected toll on Asian markets. Adding on,
the markets were shaken briefly by the events
like the Greek drama and the US downgrade,
but then continued in a recovery mode with
confidence still hang by a thread. As there is
no risk free company or country in the World set
by the recent examples in the markets, once
again we were reminded the importance of
diversification. Thus, availability of alternative
investment tools for individual investors have
become crucial as benefitting from such volatile
movements within the market. Due to the
extensive global markets coverage by a team
of dedicated professionals, and a wide array
of investment products, IS Investment’s clients
were once again positioned at the right place at
the right time.
IS Investment has been investing heavily on
improving our product mix in order to satisfy
the needs and spread out the single country
risks of our customers. As the on-going liquidity
crisis put the international capital markets
to the foreground of investor’s attentions, IS
Investment has already had an ever increasing
activity in these markets. IS Investment has
direct market access capabilities through the
major equity and derivative exchanges around
the world and also has execution facilities to
emerging markets like in Middle East and CIS
region. In equity markets, our activities are
not only limited to secondary market trading
as we also provide means for our customers
to participate in primary issues all around the
world and chance to invest through options
rather than directly in cash markets. In fixed
income markets, with a volume reaching almost
USD 3 billion in 2010, IS Investment was rated
as the top financial firm among the other Turkish
financial institutions based on transactions
booked outside the exchange. Not only, as IS
Investment, we concentrate purely on Turkish
Eurobonds, but also focus heavily on high
grade credits as well as credits from emerging
market economies like Kazakhstan, Brazil,
Russia and interact with more than hundred
counterparties around the World.
As the financial crisis have created roller-
coaster rides in the World markets, adding to
the ways of diversification, the opportunities
that keep on knocking increased the needs
for exchange-listed derivative instruments. In
order to facilitate our clients’ needs for these
leveraged instruments, IS Investment launched
Trade Master International in the beginning of
2008, which is giving execution capabilities to
our investors for investing on their own in major
equity markets and more importantly in futures
markets like CBOT and CME. Also, through our
experienced traders, our corporate clients can
access London Metal Exchange (LME) in order
to hedge their physical exposures in industrial
metals. Recent trends within the industry have
facilitated leveraged OTC forex trading to be
regulated by the Turkish Capital Markets Board.
Upon validation of statutes, IS Investment
became one of the first financial institutions with
a market-making license to provide leveraged
forex trading capabilities to its retail and
corporate clients. As a result, IS Investment
officially launched its TradeMaster FX (TMFX)
forex trading platform at the beginning of 2012,
quickly becoming the undisputed market leader
in terms of volumes traded.
Rating ourselves by far as the top Turkish
institution in international capital markets, not
only IS Investment will work on improving its
abilities in organized exchanges around the
World, but also will pursue to provide access
to opportunities in emerging economies to its
clients whom IS Investment made believe the
importance of diversification with a little kick in
Is Kuleleri, Kule-2 Kat: 12, 4. Levent 34330 Istanbul-Turkey
Tel: +90 212 350 20 00 Fax: +90 212 350 20 01 www.isyatirim.com.tr / www.isinvestment.com
For International Capital Markets
Contact Name Mr. Ilkay Dalkilic
Tel. +90 212 350 2314
E-mail [email protected]
For Turkish Capital Markets
Contact Name Mr. Serkan Aran
Tel. +90 212 350 2324 E-mail [email protected]
For Almaty/Kazakhstan Rep. Office Contact Name Mr. Samad Azimov Tel. +7 727 258 1309
E-mail [email protected]