FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2010 | Page 64

ANNUAL REPORT JUNE 2010 FEDERATION OF EURO-ASIAN STOCK EXCHANGES BANJA LUKA STOCK EXCHANGE We have understood the crisis as an opportunity to look at the real possibilities for the development of the capital market in the Republic of Srpska. Milan Bozic CEO Introduction by Director During 2009, the trading on the Banja Luka Stock Exchange (BLSE) was conducted within the limitations imposed by the global economic crisis. Low liquidity of the stock market is a result of uncertainty regarding its long-term impact on companies’ business results. Therefore, the attention of investors has been largely focused on bonds. The total turnover of BAM 180 million was lower by 52% compared to the previous year. The stock exchange index (BIRS) almost fully recovered at the end of the year after the significant decline in the first half of the year, thus ending year with the 3.5% loss. At the BLSE, we have understood the crisis as an opportunity to look at the real possibilities for the development of the capital market in the Republic of Srpska. Priority goals have been identified in the newly adopted Stock Exchange development strategy whose implementation should create an environment where the BLSE will become a modern service to investors and issuers which is integrated into the regional capital market. Primary Market At the beginning of the year, the stocks of private company that successfully completed the first IPO in Bosnia and Herzegovina were listed on the BLSE. The significance of this event for the future development of the capital market is greater than it illustrates the amount of issue (BAM 0.86 million). In the six secondary public offerings of shares on the stock exchange has been raised BAM 7.3 million. BAM 17.7 million has been borrowed through the three issues of municipal bonds and another BAM 2.1 million by bonds of a micro-credit institution. Six bonds issued by Brcko District and two bonds issued by the Republic of Srpska for the settlement of old foreign currency savings and war damage in total value of BAM 109 million were listed on the BLSE. New Technologies The special attention has been given to strengthen the technological basis of the BLSE, through the introduction of the FIX protocol in the stock exchange trading system and development of integrated trading systems for the brokerage HISTORY AND DEVELOPMENT 15.07.1998 The adoption of the Law on Securities provided the necessary legal framework to establish the capital market of the Republic of Srpska. 09.05.2001 Eight banks and one company trading in securities signed the Contract that established the Banja Luka Stock Exchange. 14.03.2002 The first trading session took place. 20.08.2003 The first auction for state owned capital took a place on the BLSE. 03.05.2004 BIRS – The Stock Exchange Index of Republic of Srpska established. 01.08.2004 FIRS - The Investment Fund Index of Republic of Srpska established. PAGE 60 houses based on the FIX protocol. These systems provide a completely new opportunity for investors in terms of ability to monitor in real-time their positions on the stock exchange and to execute transactions. In future, new technologies will be used to connect with other capital markets in the region and for international data distribution. International cooperation The joint road-shows organized by the stock exchanges from the former Yugoslavia have been the most important international projects in which the BLSE was participated in 2009. At road- shows in Belgrade and Vienna, Telekom Srpske together with 30 companies from six other countries was presented to investors. In cooperation with the Vienna and Sarajevo SE the first investible index that includes shares of companies from the Republic of Srpska and Federation of BiH was created. The index should serve as a basis for creating the first derivatives on the domestic securities by foreign investment institutions. Together with other stock exchanges the first steps were made towards linking markets through brokerage house cooperation within the region. This regional cooperation will be based on the use of advanced technological solutions. governance will permanently remain one of the most important priorities of the BLSE. Therefore, the BLSE together with the International Finance Corporation (IFC), has created a scorecard; a tool for monitoring the implementation of standards of corporate governance in accordance with the OECD principles. In cooperation with the Athens SE seminars for companies dedicated to the most important aspects of corporate governance listed the official market were organized. However, we believe that the greatest contribution to the development of corporate governance in the Republic of Srpska is our ongoing commitment to the transparency and disclosure of detailed information on companies and investment funds at our web pages. With this approach we managed to position the BLSE in the region as a stock exchange that pays the most attention in providing the investors with sufficient information. Data Distribution The availability of data on securities listed in the Republic of Srpska has significantly increased after the final implementation of ISINs. Data from the BLSE is available in real-time through ten vendors such as; Thomson Reuters, Bloomberg, SIX Telekurs, TeleTrader Europoint, etc. Significant news in the field of data distribution is related to an agreement with the Vienna SE. According to agreement the Vienna SE undertakes the marketing and distribution of BLSE data in the future as part of data-feed package in which are included data from the Vienna, Budapest, Ljubljana, Prague, Bucharest and Sarajevo SE. Education Understanding trends in capital markets implies a series of theoretical knowledge and practical disciplines. Therefore, we always point out that the formal education needs to pay greater attention in educating young people in the area of finance. We have not stopped on that, but in cooperation with the Republic of Srpska Pedagogical Institute we have begun a series of educational projects such as; organization of seminars for teachers, publishing a manual for teachers in financial markets, organizing competitions for high school and university students through a virtual stock exchange. The BLSE its understanding of socially responsible behavior showed by creating a specific web application for the practical teaching of accounting that is available to all students of high schools of economics in the Republic of Srpska. At the same time, in cooperation with the Chamber of Commerce we have designed basic and advanced seminars for investors which will be periodically organized in the future. Corporate governance The valuation of securities is in direct correlation with the view that investors have about the quality of corporate governance in the companies. Therefore, the development of corporate Profit achieved in a complex business environment is an indicator of stability of operations, is a clear sign that the BLSE can continue to pursue its strategic development objectives. 17.09.2004 Full membership to FEAS. 01.01.2006 ERS10 - Index of ten companies from Electric Power System of Republic of Srpska was established. 20.03.2006 Introduction of continuous trading in shares from the Free Market which fulfill the liquidity criteria. 18-19.05.2006 First International Conference of the BLSE was held. 29.01.2007 Correspondent membership to WFE. 22.11.2007 Correspondent membership to FESE. 24.06.2008 The BLSE real-time data started to be distributed by the Bloomberg. 09.3.2009 New trading system (BST 2.4) that supports FIX protocol was implemented. 04.08.2009 The BLSE real-time data available via Thomson Reuters. FUTURE OUTLOOK In 2010 the BLSE plans to: • Increase the market liquidity • Increase the quality and quantity of securities offered to investors • Increase the efficiency of the stock exchange trading system • Support the primary market development • International promotion of domestic capital market to foreign investors • Implement systemic approach to education • Maintain partnership with capital market institutions and listed companies