FEAS Yearbook FEAS Yearbook 2002 | Page 9

FEDERATION OF EURO-ASIAN STOCK EXCHANGES > YEARBOOK 2002/2003 > PAGE 7 FEDERATION OF EURO-ASIAN STOCK EXCHANGES STATISTICS Statistical Comparison 1998-2002 # Companies Traded Market Capitalization (US$ Millions) Total Volume (US$ Millions-Stocks) Total Volume (# Shares Millions-Stocks) Average Daily Volume (US$ Millions-Stocks) Average Daily Volume (# Shares Millions-Stocks) Total Volume (US$ Millions-Bonds) Total Volume (# Millions-Bonds) Average Daily Volume (US$ Millions-Bonds) Average Daily Volume (# Millions-Bonds) Total Volume (US$ Millions-Other) Total Volume (# Millions-Other) Average Daily Volume (US$ Millions-Other) Average Daily Volume (# Millions-Other) 2002 % CHANGE OVER 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 8,565 103,802.4 94,054.0 2,272,006 382.2 9,165.4 68,448.8 0.7 276.7 0.02 373,077.0 0.4 1,492.3 0.002 10,029 201,646.7 125,838.4 5,870,727 526.7 24,868.7 83,917.9 1.1 342.5 0.1 589,581.9 0.5 2,377.3 0.002 9,794 139,593.4 240,426.2 11,140,573 977.4 45,288.5 263,005.3 61.2 1,047.8 0.2 886,956.9 229.6 3,533.7 0.829 7,300 109,410.8 103,876.9 23,973,695 422.1 96,673.9 47,146.5 4,627.3 192.8 18.6 630,319.7 202.4 2,511.5 0.8 7,043 116,250.8 117,706.8 34,009,145 469.7 134,961.9 90,246.3 9,785.7 358.3 38.6 486,510.3 1,085.0 1,923.0 4.8 1998 1999 -17.8 12.0 25.1 1,396.9 22.9 1,372.5 31.8 1,449,382.3 29.5 154,944.7 30.4 253,231.1 28.9 289,566.2 -29.8 -42.3 -6.5 479.3 -10.8 442.7 7.5 878,627.6 4.6 71,023.2 -17.5 203,350.1 -19.1 225,308.5 2000 2001 -28.1 -16.7 -51.0 205.3 -51.9 198.0 -65.7 15,882.9 -65.8 15,479.3 -45.1 372.6 -45.6 476.1 -3.5 6.3 13.3 41.9 11.3 39.6 91.4 111.5 85.8 107.3 -22.8 436.2 -23.4 524.5 1998-2000 Bond and Other volume history not provided by all FEAS members. Official 2002 Statistics STOCKS Total Volume (US$ Millions) 2002 BONDS Average Daily Volume Total Volume (# Millions) 518.42 460.48 455.66 477.43 305.29 254.73 350.68 406.13 341.87 434.43 962.08 717.28 469.73 3,053,683 1,579,585 2,201,039 2,498,631 1,665,769 1,518,263 3,335,214 2,463,776 1,602,377 3,055,456 7,508,969 3,526,384 34,009,145 (US$ Millions) Jan-02 11,091.89 Feb-02 8,140.98 Mar-02 9,353.51 Apr-02 10,161.56 May-02 6,673.61 Jun-02 5,120.79 July-02 8,051.19 Aug-02 8,521.73 Sep-02 7,209.13 Oct-02 9,556.99 Nov-02 20,181.03 Dec-02 13,644.37 Total 117,706.80 Average Daily Volume Total Volume (US$ Millions) 145,388.69 87,776.94 104,830.28 118,971.72 72,453.81 75,915.99 145,009.81 117,323.22 76,302.12 138,885.29 357,570.61 176,376.32 134,961.85 5,123.70 4,476.82 6,075.45 8,494.88 8,309.48 6,226.45 6,398.27 6,823.61 7,273.98 9,751.64 10,610.43 10,681.58 90,246.30 (# Millions) Average Daily Volume OTHER Total Volume (# Millions) (US$ Millions) 233.61 241.39 299.18 403.28 370.55 312.21 281.19 328.22 347.75 443.28 506.04 530.52 358.27 Average Daily Volume Total Volume (US$ Millions) (# Millions) 634.75 632.03 705.51 515.59 549.53 589.09 807.83 735.79 794.25 996.67 1,500.06 1,324.57 9,785.70 28.93 31.63 35.23 23.48 26.21 29.54 35.17 35.21 37.85 45.32 71.62 64.14 38.62 Average Daily Volume Total Volume (# Millions) (US$ Millions) 31,477.22 25,464.65 27,613.10 29,821.99 39,843.61 41,762.14 49,632.48 42,147.30 51,097.36 44,799.58 53,734.73 49,116.45 486,510.60 1,430.81 1,411.29 1,315.65 1,419.65 1,734.27 2,087.71 2,159.15 2,006.99 2,433.19 2,036.33 2,559.04 2,453.79 1,923.00 Average Daily Volume Market Capitalization (US$ Millions) (# Millions) 13.47 3.29 11.18 9.67 4.82 4.80 86.26 142.16 415.97 223.16 65.97 104.22 1,085.00 0.50 0.16 0.49 0.42 0.21 0.20 4.81 6.70 23.76 10.73 3.14 6.20 4.78 114,335.01 105,747.35 111,568.11 112,439.42 105,898.16 102,491.55 105,411.33 105,788.07 103,098.55 108,919.22 125,383.30 116,250.81 FEAS Region Volume by Type 2001 2002 6% 13% 17% 13% 70% 81% Stocks Bonds Number of Companies Traded vs Market Cap. Stocks Other Bonds Other 2002 Adjusted Annualized Return on Index (US$ millions) 10,000 200,000 8,000 150,000 6,000 100,000 4,000 50,000 Market Cap. 0 2,000 0 KSE 100/Karachi BSE/Bulgaria TRSE/Uzbekistan LSE 25/Lahore* TEPIX/Tehran CROBEX/Zagreb B.I./Macedonia Kazakhstan G.P./Muscat OID75/Mongolia A.S./Dhaka G.P./Amman KSE Index/Kyrgyz CMA/Egypt Al Quds/Palestine ISE 100/Istanbul 41.0 32.5 31.7 30.2 26.2 12.4 -1.2 -1.6 -6.2 -21.0 -22.5 -33.9 *Lahore is based on 11 months as the index calculation changed in December 2002. **Indices are adjusted for currency fluctuations. (Formula: 1+(return)=((1+%chg. index)/(1+%chg. currency)) Companies Traded Contact Information 117.9 74.2 72.8 66.6 Mr. Aril Seren, Secretary General secretariat@feas.org www.feas.org