AHMET ONUR KOSKA Funding Agency: BAP-1 Coordinator/Researcher:Local Coordinator Total Number of METU Researcher (Including Coordinator):1 Project Name:Eksik Bilgi Altında Şirket Birleşmeleri, Sosyal Refah ve Doğrudan Yabancı Yatırım Politikaları From: Month:1 Year:2016 To: Month:12 Year:2016 Duration in the Current Year (Months):12 months Overall METU Budget for the Current Year:20000.00 TL HALİT ENGİN KÜÇÜKKAYA Funding Agency: BAP-1 Coordinator/Researcher: Local Coordinator Total Number of METU Researcher (Including Coordinator):1 Project Name: Euro Ülkelerinde Piyasaların Entegrasyonu From: Month:1 Year:2016 To: Month:12 Year:2016 Duration in the Current Year (Months):12 months Overall METU Budget for the Current Year: 4000.00 TL HALİT ENGİN KÜÇÜKKAYA Funding Agency: BAP-1 Coordinator/Researcher: Local Coordinator Total Number of METU Researcher (Including Coordinator):2 Project Name: Uluslararası Sermaye Maliyetinin Modellenmesi From: Month:1 Year:2016 To: Month:12 Year:2016 Duration in the Current Year (Months):12 months Overall METU Budget for the Current Year: 3385.00 TL SERKAN KÜÇÜKŞENEL Funding Agency: Scientific and Technological Research Projects (3501, 1001 etc.) Coordinator/Researcher:Local Coordinator Total Number of METU Researcher (Including Coordinator):1 Project Name:Bir Gerçek Yaşam Kaynak Dağılımı Problemi İçin Piyasa Tasarımı: Balıkçılık Hakları From: Month:4 Year:2015 To: Month:10 Year:2017 Duration in the Current Year (Months):12 months Overall METU Budget for the Current Year: 146827.00 TL 20