FEAS Benefits FEAS Benefits | Page 2

The Federation of Euro-Asian Stock Exchanges (FEAS) was established on 16 May 1995 with 12 founding members.

FEAS mission and goal is to promote mutual cooperation, development, collaboration and promotion of the capital markets of the Eurasian region (Europe, Asia, and the Mediterranean Sea).

FEAS Members are categorized as Full Members, Affiliate Members and Observers.

Currently there are members

from more than 20 countries including Stock Exchanges, CSDs and other Financial Institutions.

Benefits of FEAS Members



Business Support


PR and Awareness


Business Support




- You will gain the opportunity to develop your projects, participate in the development of task forces, generate your ideas in "Think Tank" platform.

- We support your market's correct representation through data vendors platforms

- Social Media Marketing Promotion

- Press Center

- Roadshows

- Regular knowledge share between members through several online platforms.

- Annual Onsite Trainings

- Webinars

- Master Classes