FD Insights Issue 8 | Page 17

How Big is a Byte? And other larger standards of measurement A Bit is the smallest unit of storage, storing just a 0 or 1. A [Kb] A Kilobyte Byte [Mb] is 1024 bytes – 2 or 3 pages of text A [Gb] A Gigabyte is 1024 megabytes - 341 digital pictures (with 3MB average file size) or 256 MP3 audio files (with 4MB average file size) Megabyte is 1024 kilobytes – roughly 873 pages of text A [Tb] is a sequence of 8 bits processed as a single unit of information - 1 alphanumeric character. eg. an ‘A’ or a ‘1’ Terabyte is 1024 gigabytes - 916 259 689 pages of text, 349 525 digital pictures, 262 144 MP3 audio files, 233 DVDs, 40 Blu-ray disks A Petabyte [Pb] is 1024 terabytes – equivalent to the memories of 800 human beings (@1.25Tb ea), 2000 years of continuous music, the DNA of the entire US population, 20 million four-drawer filing cabinets filled with text Sources: http://www.computerhope.com/issues/chspace.htm http://www.ft.com/intl/cms/s/2/bc7350a6-8fe7-11e2-ae9e-00144feabdc0.html#axzz3Df31L8zz http://www.makeuseof.com/tag/memory-sizes-gigabytes-terabytes-petabytes/ 15 | www.firstdistribution.co.za