CBS Africa Launches to Become the First
Dedicated Cloud Brokerage Supplier and
Consultancy in South Africa
Company to supply cloud brokerage marketplaces into the African market and offer supporting
services and cloud services for resale through
customers’ channels.
loud Brokerage Services Africa (CBS Africa)
is a new enterprise in the local ICT industry
which has launched to enable and license
businesses throughout the continent to purchase and manage cloud brokerage marketplaces via the Jamcracker platform.
The company’s focus will be on supplying cloud brokerage
marketplaces into the African market, whilst offering the
supporting services and cloud services for resale through
the customers’ channels to enable businesses to get to
market quickly and easily.
CBS Africa consists of a dedicated, highly motivated team
of business analysts, developers and project managers with
an in-depth understanding of the cloud software industry.
Within the organisation, key relationships already exist with
global world-class vendors of services, and the company is
the first in the world to successfully integrate SoftLayer, an
IBM Company, within a brokerage model.
Kevin Derman, General Manager for CBS Africa, explained
that the strength of their brokerage model lies in the amount
and the se