First Distribution’s Johannesburg Sales and Business Development Executive Mike Dix tells us about the best part of his job, his business goals for this year & his unabashed love for the game of golf.
Name Job Title Company Phone Number Email Address Web Address
: Mike Dix : Sales & Business Development Executive : First Distribution : +27 11 540 2640 : [email protected] :
The best part of my job is the people
people who are making an amazing contribution to business and society. I am also impressed at many of the young people I work with daily who continue to add great value. What do you do for relaxation?
Number of years in the IT industry:
have now started my 40th year in the IT industry. The amazing thing is that I can remember everyone from when I started, like it was yesterday.
Describe your position in less than 100 words:
I am an unashamed golfaholic. Playing a round of golf with my mates in beautiful surroundings is hard to beat. I also enjoy a good meal with a cold glass of something, in the company of friends and family, engaged in challenging conversation. What is the best part of your day and why? The best part of my day is enjoying the crystal-clear mornings on the Highveld. I enjoy the start of a new day with all the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead. It is without a doubt the most peaceful time of the day. Famous person you’d most like to meet? Nelson Mandela Favourite holiday spot? Umhlanga
I have a dual role at First Distribution, firstly as the sales and business development executive for JHB and also as the joint branch manager responsible for the total operation in Johannesburg. My first and most important role is to help grow our customers’ business with FD. This would include growing their existing business with us and then encouraging them to add some of the new exciting offerings that we have added to our product offering of late. I also need to make sure that our back office and warehouse are meeting all of the service levels that are required to meet our customers’ expectations. What are your business goals for 2013? The 2013 goals for the JHB branch are to continue to grow our business equal or better to the general market growth, as well as to embrace the changing face of IT and assist our customers to make the necessary changes in order to optimise this opportunity. Which are some of the most important challenges facing the channel these days and how is FD responding to them? The advent of cloud computing has highlighted many opportunities, but at the same time raised some challenges around our traditional hardware markets. FD has responded by finding complimentary technologies to enhance the solution that we are able to offer our customers. What’s the best part of your job? The best part of my job is the people. I have always been driven by my customers, and I continue to meet some of the most exceptional, skilled and innovative people every day,
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