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In modern storage management, breaking the cycle of increased complexity and explosive data growth can be a big challenge. IBM’s Storwize V7000 and Storwize V7000 Unified Disk Systems are two of the most powerful and easy-to-use innovative disk systems in the storage marketplace.
BM’s Storwize V7000 is a powerful block storage system that combines hardware and software components to provide a single point of control to help support improved storage efficiency. By enabling virtualisation, consolidation and tiering in business of all sizes, it is designed to improve application availability and resource utilisation. The system offers easy-to-use, efficient and cost-effective management capabilities for both new and existing storage resources in your IT infrastructure. Storwize V7000 also combines a variety of IBM technologies including thin provisioning, automated tiering, storage virtualisation, Real-time Compression, clustering, replication, multi-protocol support and a next-generation graphical user interface (GUI). Together, these technologies are designed to enable Storwize V7000 to deliver extraordinary levels of storage efficiency.
Real-time Compression provides the data center with the flexibility to increase capacity and maintain performance, for all kinds of data, including your most active data. With the same storage budget, the data center can expect to see a reduction in per usable TB storage costs for most common configurations in the order of 30 to 40%, according to IBM. To maintain existing usable capacity, the data centre can expect to see a reduction in cost per usable TB of approximately 25 to 35%. By applying compression to existing storage, the data centre might be able to double usable capacity for a very modest incremental investment. If you are suffering from too much data with an insufficient budget, Storwize V7000 with Real-time Compression may well be the solution you need. If your data center needs to compress both blocks and files, IBM’s plans to enhance its Storwize V7000 Unified, when available, will provide the single platform which the data center needs to simplify deployment.
Why should your data center deploy Storwize V7000 with Real-time?
The Clipper Group, technology acquisition consultants, strategic advisors, and Internet publishers, explain the benefits: From an economic standpoint, Storwize V7000 provides the enterprise with the financial benefits it needs to meet the growing storage requirements within the limits of a constrained budget. If you already own a block-only Storwize V7000, all you need is a license for Real-time Compression and you can take advantage of more physical storage without significant effect on your budget. If you own other block storage, you can put that storage behind a new Storwize V7000 and receive the same, space-saving benefits.
Delivers sophisticated enterprise-class storage functionality for businesses Supports your growing business requirements while controlling costs Provides up to 200 percent performance improvement with automatic migration to high-performing SSDs1 Enables storing up to five times more active data in the same physical disk space using IBM Real-time Compression Consolidates block and file storage for simplicity and greater efficiency Enables near-continuous availability of applications through dynamic migration
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IBM Storwize V7000 Highlights