This massive red-themed
event is one of the biggest
in the business, which is not
surprising when you consider
the size of Oracle’s product
offering and market clout,
with each iteration registering over 60 000 visitors, and
millions more tuning into webcasts from all over the globe.
2015’s attendees were treated to hearing Oracle’s top
systems executives speak
about Oracle’s hyper-converged infrastructure stack
and engineered systems,
and it’s always a treat to see
and hear Oracle’s billionaire
founder Larry Ellison take to
the stage.
VeeamON Forum
Details TBC
Although details for 2016 were still not finalised at the time
of going to press, VeeamON Forum was held on three
different days at three different venues throughout Europe
in 2015.
London, Paris and Frankfurt all played host to numerous
partners, media professionals, analysts and IT professionals. Together they experienced unique business, technical
and partner sessions and also heard from Veeam® CEO,
MVPs, vExperts and customers on best practices for data
centre availability solutions.
If your company plays in this space, it may just be worth
your while to attend.
Disclaimer: Whilst we endeavour to ensure that dates and venues
are correct, the nature of these events are such that details are
liable to change. Check the relevant vendor websites for further
and updated details.
Intel Security FOCUS
Details TBC
Few things move faster than the world of internet security,
and it’s imperative to keep up with the latest developing
threats and trends.
FOCUS, Intel Security’s annual security conference, is a
must-attend event for today’s security professional. This
three day event brings together leading security specialists—from C-level executives, directors, and mid-managers
to product developers and front-line IT staff—to exchange
ideas, gain valuable knowledge to implement their security
initiatives and share real-world experiences.
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