competing well with some differentiation in their offering
and Google have lots of resources to continue their growth
in this space, but of these ‘big three’, the combination of
market position, an aggressive roadmap and the ability to
execute will see AWS remain the de-facto standard for the
foreseeable future.
What makes Amazon AWS such an exciting brand
to work on?
AWS is more than a brand, it’s a new paradigm! Let me put
it this way - I listen to AWS podcasts every time I travel in
my car and spent all the spare time I had over the festive
season getting a handle on the portfolio of services on
offer. I watch YouTube videos in the evenings (yes, I am a
nerd), and I run through the resources on the AWS partner
network daily. I’ve tested some of the solutions available
myself, browsed the AWS marketplace for what feels like
hours on end and fired off so many questions to our presales team that I think I have become ‘that annoying guy’.
Despite this, I still cannot fathom the depth of use cases
and opportunities for the local channel that AWS enables,
and am having a hard time choosing from so many viable
solution areas so that we assi