the New
By Kevin Derman, GM for Cloud and
Hosting Businesses at First Distribution
very year, I await with the eager anticipation of a 10 year old child at Christmas for
the latest edition of Gartners Hype Cycle to
be released. I find that this bit of technology analysis provides me with two things.
Firstly it’s a sanity check on where we as
a business are currently focussed and
secondly, every business should have a forward looking
view of what their environment is going to look like
tomorrow and should be
investing in those technologies that are going to
future-proof the business
for the years to come.
I like to examine whats
new on the Hype Cycle as
this always gives us some
great insight to where the
IT industry is heading.
Gartner not only places
technologies on a position
on the Hype Cycle, but
also makes a prediction
on the speed at which the
various technologies will move through the different phases,
in order to reach the illustrious ‘Plateau of Productivity’.
What has been interesting over the past few years is how
this journey through the Cycle has accelerated. Where
technologies used to take 10 or more years to reach