FD Insights Issue 10 | Page 38

IBM FlashSystem Chosen to Protect Against Fraud Leading Egyptian mobile provider speed up real-time analytics to identify fraudulent activity I BM recently announced that Etisalat Misr, a subsidiary of Emirati Etisalat Group, and one of the leading mobile providers in Egypt, has chosen an IBM FlashSystem, a state-of- the-art storage solution, to protect against fraud. This will help enable Etisalat Misr to significantly speed up real-time analytics to identify fraudulent activity in areas such as calls and unauthorised internet use. Etisalat Misr provides a full range of voice and data services to more than 22 million subscribers in Egypt which includes telecom services to the largest Egyptian enterprises. With increasing competition, the company faced challenges in delivering enhanced performance, availability, analytics and security to its growing customer base. Etisalat’s fraud management system depends on data received from network switches to detect fraud. However it often took as long as three days to capture and analyse fraud data. To resolve delays in its fraud management system, Etisalat Misr decided to use IBM FlashSystem V840. With the new storage technology in place, Etisalat Misr is expected to improve the efficiency of its fraud management application, reducing the time spent on processing call records by a factor of 15 times and improving the speed of fraud detection by a factor of 37 times. “We are growing very fast and as a result, we are continuously looking for innovative IT solutions that can help deliver seamless security and end-to-end management of our clients’ devices, content and transactions,” said Khalid AlKaf, Director of Operations & Infrastructure at Etisalat Misr. “Modernising our storage is key to compete in an interconnected world and supports our growth.” Ahmed Bourham, Systems Group Manager, IBM Egypt, added, “In today’s environment, risk and fraud management must be pervasive throughout an organisation’s culture and operating model. IBM’s flash and software defined storage technologies can help organisations bring together fragmented data from segregated systems and a variety of sources to deliver enhanced insights to mitigate risk and better manage fraud.” With IBM FlashSystem V840, Etisalat Misr is expected to enhance analytics performance while reducing storage footprint and lowering energy costs by speeding up real-time analytics of its Fraud Management System and making it capture and analyse fraud data virtually instantaneously instead of taking three days. This has already helped the company improve its operations by 300 percent. For more information about IBM Flash Storage, please contact Joe at First Distribution on (011) 540 2640 or [email protected] IBM, the IBMlogo, ibm.com and System x are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, other countries or both. If these and other IBM trademarked terms are marked on their first occurrence inthis information with a trademark symbol (®or ™), thesesymbols indicate U.S. registered or common law trademarksowned by IBM at the time this information was published.Such trademarks may also be registered or common lawtrademarks in other countries. A current list of IBM trademarks is available on the web at “Copyright andtrademark information” at ibm.com/legal/copytrade.shtml 36 | www.firstdistribution.co.za