Ronel Voges
Senior Account Manager
Marshalling First Distribution’s operations in the Eastern Cape
s the lone First Distribution employee to
be operating in the
Eastern Cape, Ronel
takes her responsibilities to her regional
customers very seriously, knowing
full well that she is often their sole
contact point should information be
required, or should challenges arise.
Ronel’s own stated ambitions are to
grow the PE office and gain market
share, becoming her customers’
IT distributor of choice by adding
value through the company’s best of
breed products, world class support
system and First Expertise!
“Definitely the people and the team
sprit!” she says when quizzed
regarding her favourite thing about
working for First Distribution. “It’s
truly a pleasure to come to work
every day.”
Ronel has been in the IT game
since 2005, spending three years in
IT Retail, one year as a reseller and
three years with the competition,
with a two year break in-between.
Having spent some time in the
industry, she maintains that she is
seeing more and more women in
senior IT roles across the industry,
as well as more women CIOs. “The
industry is definitely evolving to
keep pace with the external social
environment” she says.
When asked what advice she’d give
to other women looking to enter the
IT/distribution industry, Ronel advises them to skill up on a technical
level, and feels that women bring a
more empathetic approach to business than their male counterparts,
as well as a high level of attention
to detail.
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She’s not big on role models but
quotes Meryl Streep as saying “I
think the best role models for women are people who are fruitfully and
confidently themselves, who bring
light into the world.”
Away from work Ronel likes to keep
up with the latest series, spend time
outdoors (especially at the beach)
and maintains that family time is
a must. As a wife and mother, she
says it’s important to find a way
to maintain the balance between
career and family life as much
as possible.
“PE is home for me” she says.
“There is a good balance between
the hectic city life and laid-back
small town. Don`t tell anyone
though, or they will all want to move
here - it`s our secret!”
arise, change
your direction
to reach
your goal