FCS Financial: One Hundred Years July 2016 | Page 72

The last St. Joseph PCA board meeting was held in 1985. Shown here (L to R): Doris Leakey, Meredith Kapp, Chairman Carl Spencer, President Don Trickey, Kenton Schwarz, Phill Hull. With the viability of the Farm Credit System in jeopardy, they explored several options: an infusion of government capital, a government guarantee of Farm Credit bonds, and a governmentbacked “warehouse” for problem loans that would give lenders and some of their member/borrowers time to work their way out of trouble. Getting non-performing loans off their books could avoid a surge in liquidations and stabilize land values. “No one really likes the idea of federal assistance,” Banner was quoted as saying. Nonetheless, it looked like a necessary evil in order to keep the system solvent. 68 Selected References