FCS Financial: One Hundred Years July 2016 | Page 90

FCS Financial believes education is essential for agriculture and the cooperative system to grow across the world. Visitors from Namibia were in the central office to learn more about the Farm Credit System. Finally, they upgraded their computerized customer database to a new level of sophistication. To this point, they were using systems built by the wholesale bank. In a collaborative effort, FCS Financial teamed up with three other associations: GreenStone Farm Credit Services in East Lansing, Michigan; Badgerland Financial of Wisconsin; and 1st Farm Credit of Normal, Illinois. Donna Patterson of FCS Financial was in the thick of the process throughout its development. “It took us a while to figure out we had to take one piece at a time. But we decided to build our new software for customer relationship management system from Microsoft and that would be our platform and then we would build off that and integrate into CRM.” Primarily a contact record, CRM contains all the demographic information for FCS Financial’s customers and other important contacts. From that, they built operating systems for loan origination, loan conversions, disbursements, and receipts. Teams made up of employees from each of the organizations helped build the forms, fine-tuning them along the way. Employees now had a customer’s total information at their fingertips. Nearly 80 percent of all loans were put through a scorecard process instead of being analyzed by hand resulting in much faster loan approval. The financial crisis of 2008 led to what has since been labeled the Great Recession, its effects trickling down from Wall Street to virtually all aspects of the American economy. Conservative estimates say the unemployment rate shot up to 7.2 percent and housing 86 Selected References