FCS Financial: One Hundred Years July 2016 | Page 81

Setting themselves apart from ordinary lending institutions, President Larry Burbank wrote, “We are the nation’s largest, customer-owned agricultural services company, and we believe we offer the best value in loans and services to rural homeowners, people in agribusiness, and farmers who wish to remain successful and independent.” Farm Credit Services first launched its online presence in 1996. By the spring of 1999, Donna Patterson, then communications specialist for FCS in Jefferson City, announced, “FCS is taking interactive financing to new levels and expanding access to our products and services. Our new site has been developed in response to what our customers told us they want.” The redesigned website saved the customers time and provided easier access to financial information and services. In addition, farmers could now customize the information based on their geography and the nature of their business. Members could then go to one site, www.farmcredit.com at the time, to get local weather, news, and commodity market information. For farmers, like many others, time is a precious commodity and instead of having to drive into town to talk to a loan officer, they could now access their account information including principal, interest, and funds available and find out when their next loan payment was due and for what amount. The site also gave them access to agricultural specialists and professionals they could look to for guidance when making important decisions. Nothing, it seems, is more constant than change and FCS was evolving just like the farmers and other rural member/customers they served. Both had made it through the perfect storm of the 1980s and though not everyone survived, as a whole they emerged stronger than ever to face the complexities of the Information Age. The Perfect Storm 77