FCFC Newsletter Oct_Nov_Dec 2024 (1) | Page 10

Thank You for Your Donation

Thank You for Your Donation

General Ledger
We have the pleasure to announce that we have partnered with General Ledger on a round up program . The round up program starts on November 1st and ends on January 31st . We are grateful for this continued partnership and the support of the community .
Riverwalk on Toccoa
Thank you to Riverwalk on Toccoa for our wood splitter !
4-H boxes
Fannin County Family Connection received a donation from 4-H full of fresh veggies ! We are thankful to all of those who purchased these boxes to benefit the food pantry !
4-H boxes
River Laural Gifts & Boutique : River Laurel Gifts & Boutique hosted their annual round up program for Fannin County Family Connection . They raised $ 1,320 with an additional donation of $ 1,000 . We are so grateful for their continued support as this was their 6th year raising money for FCFC . What an impact this business has made in our community . Thank you !
River Laurel Gifts & Boutique
River Laurel Gifts & Boutique is hosting a round up for Fannin County Family Connection until the end of the year . They are also doing a matching donation ! Go out and support local businesses and don ’ t forget to round up !
Seth Mathis and his agriculture class collected dry good donations for the food pantry . Thank you Fannin County High School and the Agriculture class for helping us fill our boxes we provide to families .
Before Thanksgiving , Kiwanis hosted Cannin4Fannin and raised over $ 1,000 and a total of 1,073 pounds of food ! This food and financial donation made such a positive impact over the holiday season !
Veterans of Foreign Wars ( VFW )
The VFW donated turkeys to give to families over the holidays . Also , they generously gave a monetary donation to support the food pantry . Thank you so much to the VFW !
Blue Ridge Medical Center
The Blue Ridge Medical Center hosted a drive for Fannin County Family Connection for the fourth year in a row ! From this drive the staff of the Blue Ridge Medical Center donated jackets , blankets , toys , and food .
District 9 American Legion Auxiliary
Thank you so much to District 9 American Legion Auxiliary for their generous donation of bags filled with body scrub , gloves , a hat , wipes , and a toothbrush for veterans in our community .
Fannin Lanes
Fannin Lanes hosted a food drive for Fannin County Family Connection ! This drive helped gather 424 pounds of food . They also raised $ 745 for Family Connection to help support our mission . Fannin Lanes supports FCFC every year during the holiday season . We are so grateful for their continued support of our pantry & services offered to the community .
Georgia Mountain Health
Employees collected food items for our food pantry and new toys for Toys for Tots . This generous donation supports the families in our community . Thank you for making a difference . We are so appreciative of Georgia Mountains Health support !