Favorite Rides Spring 2020 | Page 7

SPRING 2020 ISSUE 01 / VOL . 05

Editor ’ s Letter

Road Time

Somewhere in the Alps , May 2018 . The network of roads crisscrossing over this 750-mile-long mountain range that spans eight European countries offers a lifetime ' s worth of unparalleled riding .
Somehow time passes more slowly when I ’ m in the saddle of a motorcycle .
It ’ s especially odd because for me time is so fleeting virtually everywhere else — working around the house , in the garage and even at my desk at the office , the minutes and hours fly by so fast I often find myself rushing to complete one task or another before quitting time , before dinner or before dark .
That ’ s why it ’ s such a relief to swing a leg over a bike and ride away from the race . As soon as I turn the key and the bike starts , a sense of calm envelops me like a warm bath . Riding off , instead of feeling the need to rush , to hurry , the blur of the asphalt below and streaking scenery in my peripheral vision takes over the race so that I can focus on the slowly expanding scene dead ahead . Now there is nothing but time … time to think … time to ride the beautiful road unrolling in front of me .
In this ninth edition of Favorite Rides & Destinations , the editors of Rider magazine bring you another dose of virtual road time , a few moments of digital reading pleasure to escape your own race and get on the road with us . Rider has been North America ’ s