Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 9
Whenever we have to endure suffering without any fault
of our own, then our heart repeatedly cries out in pain saying,
‘What is my fault in this? What wrong have I done in this?’
However, no answer is found, so the ‘lawyers’ residing within
us, immediately start litigating that, ‘There is no fault of mine
in this. It certainly is the other person’s fault in this, isn’t it?’
Ultimately, they will make you believe that and justify that,
‘Then again, if he had not done that, then would I have had to
do or say such a bad thing?’ In this way, one covers up his own
fault and proves that it is indeed the other person’s fault. Thus,
the sequence of karma is created!
Absolutely revered Dadashri has given a practically ap-
plicable maxim, which gives satisfactory closure from all angles
even to the most common person for, “Who is at fault in this
world?” Is it the robber or the one robbed? Of the two, who is
the one suffering? The one robbed, he is indeed the one who
suffers, isn’t it! The one who suffers is at fault! When the robber
is caught and he suffers, that is when the punishment for his
fault will transpire; today the punishment for your own fault has
transpired. When you are the one that suffers, then who else is to
be blamed? Thus, the other person is indeed seen to be innocent.
If a tea set were to break at our hands, then who is it that we
would blame? And what if it were to break at the hands of the
house help? It is like that. At home, in the business, at work,
everywhere, ‘Whose fault is it?’ If you want to find out then
investigate, ‘Who is the one suffering in this?’ It is that person’s
fault. The suffering only exists to the extent that a fault exists.
When the fault comes to an end, then no person in this world,
no circumstance, will be able to give us suffering.
In the current compilation, Dadashri has revealed the
scientific spiritual knowledge of ‘The fault is of the sufferer,’
which upon application, will resolve all of one’s entanglements;
such is this priceless maxim filled with Knowledge.
- Dr. Niruben Amin