Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 39
The Fault is of the Sufferer
If one were to understand even a single word of the Gnani
Purush and hold onto it, then he would definitely attain final
liberation. Whose word? The Gnani Purush’s! With that, no
one would need to take advice from anyone else regarding the
question, “Whose fault is it?” “The fault is of the sufferer.”
This is a science, it is a complete spiritual science.
There is never an error of even a single letter in this. In fact,
this is a spiritual science, meaning a complete science. It is
for the entire world. It is not that it is only for India. It is also
for everyone abroad!
Where I have shown you such pure and clear justice,
then does the need remain to create a demarcation between
justice and injustice? This is a very profound point. I am
stating the essence of all the scriptures. In fact, I am telling
you exactly how the judgment of the world is dispensed,
‘The fault is of the sufferer.’ This statement, ‘The fault is of
the sufferer,’ that has come forth from ‘us’ is an exact phrase!
Whoever uses it will attain salvation!!!
Jai Sat Chit Anand