Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 22
The Fault is of the Sufferer
happened in Aurangabad, that happened in Morbi.’ We get
affected by it. However, after having read that, if we do not
get affected at all, is that considered cold-heartedness?
Dadashri: Not being affected is itself referred to as the
‘Knowledge of the Self.’
Questioner: And what is being affected referred to as?
Dadashri: That is referred to as the intellect. It is
referred to as the worldly life. It is due to the intellect that one
becomes emotional but nothing gets accomplished.
Over here they had come from Pakistan to detonate
bombs. When our people read in the newspapers that a bomb
had been detonated in a certain place, they became afraid
[sitting] right here. All these effects are caused by their
intellect, and it is this intellect indeed that creates the worldly
life. ‘The Knowledge of the Self’ keeps one unaffected. One
reads the newspapers, yet remains unaffected. Unaffected
means it does not touch you. All You are to do is Know and
See, that is all.
What do you want to do with the newspapers? Just know
and see, that’s all! To know what is written in detail, that is
considered as knowing. And if there are no details, then that
is considered as seeing. It is no one’s fault in that.
Questioner: The fault is of the time, isn’t it?
Dadashri: Why would it be the fault of time? The fault
is of the sufferer. Certainly, time will continue to change,
wouldn’t it? Were we not present during better times? Were
we not present when the twenty-four Tirthankar Lords (the
absolutely enlightened Lords who can liberate others) were
Questioner: We were.