Fault Is Of The Sufferer Fault Is Of The Sufferer | Page 16

The Fault is of the Sufferer 7 brothers fall asleep peacefully, don’t they! His mother also falls asleep peacefully, doesn’t she! While this unfortunate old man is the only one who stays awake. So it is his fault. What is his fault? It is that this old man in his past life had spoiled this boy. Therefore, those karmic ties from the past life remain. That is why the old man is suffering, and when the son will suffer, that is when his fault will be caught. Out of the two, who is the one suffering? It is the fault of the one suffering. If one understands just this one law, then the entire path to liberation opens up! So then I told the father, “Now you should continue doing things that are beneficial for him. Keep helping him in ways that benefit him and do not harm him. Do not take on any mental afflictions [on his account]. Run errands for him, do everything. If you have the money then give it to him, but do not remember the mental afflictions.” Nevertheless, what is the law that we follow? The fault is of the sufferer. Your son comes home drunk and falls asleep soundly, while you cannot fall asleep the entire night. Then you tell me that, “The hypocrite has gone to sleep.” I would say, “Hey, you are suffering, so it is your fault. When he will suffer, then it will be his fault.” Questioner: Parents suffer the fault, but they suffer it with my-ness and a sense of responsibility, isn’t it? Dadashri: Not just my-ness and a sense of responsibility, but the main reason is that the fault is theirs. Apart from my- ness, there are many other causes. However, you are suffering so it is your fault. Therefore, do not find fault in anyone else. Otherwise, a karmic account for the next life will be bound once again! So the laws in both cases are different. If you honor the