FATAYAA September 2018 | Page 4

The kids who need the most love will ask for it in the most unloving way.

- Russel Barkley

Parenting : Finding the Right Balance

Parenting can be a daunting prospect even for the most accomplished and the most prepared. Good parenting is a balance of many different factors and you will need to discipline as well as spend good, quality time with your child. In this modern age, time is always at a premium. Even when parents do find they have some spare time to interact with their children, this time is often spent worrying about what needs to be done next.

Make sure you set aside some time every day to spend with your child or children and when you do, try to concentrate solely on them. If you appear withdrawn or distracted your child will notice it immediately and in many cases, they will associate it with their own actions. Do things that will educate and entertain them and remember that socializing is as educational as any other activity.

A well-socialized child will grow into a well-adapted young adult. They will easily make


friends and treat people with respect.

They will also attract similar responses from those around them. Socializing should start at a very early age and playgroups can be an excellent opportunity to interact with children of their own age and of different ages. As there are many children at playgroups and parents are welcome to attend, a playgroup should become something to look forward to.

By setting aside this time every day or routinely attending playgroups, you already begin building a good structure in your child's life. This will greatly help your future parenting requirements. Children appreciate structure because it helps them to concentrate and it makes them feel at ease, but if they are unaccustomed to this structured way of life then they will find it difficult to adapt when you start demanding it. If you work unusual hours or stay at work late it can be difficult to include this structure, but you should do so whenever you can.