Fat Diminisher PDF / System Is Wesley Virgin's Diet Food List Work? | Page 5

Edited with the trial version of Foxit Advanced PDF Editor To remove this notice, visit: www.foxitsoftware.com/shopping The Fat Diminisher System Hi there Superstar, I want to give you something completely different and unorthodox here instead of the average meal plans that force you to starve yourself to death. No more strange foods you must hunt and search for in grocery stores, no more depriving yourself during your diet. The problem with strict dieting is no one wants to do it and no one will stay on it for a lifetime. Do you remember giving up your favorite foods, losing weight and then gaining it all back? Well that is not going to happen here. You can still eat your favorite foods using the Fat Diminisher System. Losing weight is a very simple process and like I said earlier, you will be able to still enjoy chips, cake and most of all chocolate during your journey. Let me give you a fact about your body; once your body is alkalized, all foods that enter the body that is not nutritional will be eliminated from the body within 24 hours. This means your body will no longer store fat, in the next 30 days your body will be a fat burning and muscle building machine on auto pilot. We just have to adjust your natural body cycles which will take no longer than 4 weeks. This is a very powerful and unique regimen and if you stay consistent with it, you will end with a smile at the end of week 4. Ok here we go…