keep up with there 3.0 litre V6.
Molinari was upset as in 1979 OMC did
not have their 3.5 V8, F1 engine, so
Renato arrived at Milan with his
Molinari Monster, with two Evinrude
3.0 litre V6s on the back. This wasn’t
illegal in the OZ class but there was a
Gentlemen’s Agreement to only use
one outboard.
His skill as a racer and boat builder is
undeniable. 18 World Championships
in various classes; 11 times European
Champion; 4 times winner of Rouen 24
hour; 4 times winner Paris six hour; 2
times winner Parker Enduro and 3 times
winner of Berlin 6 hour.
Renato, Como 2010
The Molinari Monster
Not the greatest Molinari for its
handling, the race was won by Billy
Seebold. But Molinari was the first to
race the 3.5, V8 f1 engine in anger at
the F1 race in Brodenbach in 1981,
where he came first. Renato won his
final F1 World Championship in 1984.
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