FastOnWater Magazine issue 2 | Page 20

The article opposite, for which I don’t have a year but probably mid 1970s, is interesting in the fact that circuit drivers back then obviously felt the need to create their own organisation to to protect their interests. Of course there were more of them back then, which gave them more clout if the governing body felt the need to make changes unopposed. It’s also interesting that a ‘communications barrier’ is mentioned, between the various bodies that met at all levels and the drivers. All organisations whether sporting or otherwise, are only as good as the communication that takes place from the top down and the bottom up. And what a Committee; Peter Inward – Chairman, Bob Spalding, Alf Bullen, Roger Jenkins and David Harper. Not a group you would want to tangle with unless you really had to. There’s some typical driver humour in the piece as well.