History? Who Cares!
Is the history of circuit powerboat racing
that important? Would it make a jot of
difference if it just disappeared into
obscurity; vanishing forever?
Of course it would. It’s totally
unthinkable that those who blazed a trail
at all levels in the sport are remembered
and their exploits recorded for posterity.
Possibly more important for circuit
powerboat racing as it is very unlikely
that we will ever see a return to the level
it was at during the 1960s through to the
late 1980s.
Britain has always been a leading light
where motor sport is concerned. Circuit
racing was no different. We had some of
the best innovative boat builders, more
competitors than you could shake a stick
at and our fair share of top drivers and
World Champions. Add to this some
dynamic powerboat clubs run by people
who had a big vision for the sport and
some great sponsors, and you had a
motor sport that could hold its own with
the best of them.
So, why in 2009 was I so surprised that
there was no online space dedicated to
this glorious history? For that very
reason – it was a glorious period for
circuit powerboat racing.
Suffice it to say, I’m not going to use this
space to point the finger of blame. What
I do want to realise is a top class,
permanent record of what the sport
achieved and stood for during those
heady days.
Working towards this is sometimes like
trying to get blood from a stone but a
struggle always makes the end result
more rewarding.
What I do find amazing is that ‘the
powers that be’ do not appear to have
learnt anything from the history of the
sport. But that’s an article for another
issue maybe.
So let’s use the legacy left to us to inspire
a new generation to start building boats,
tweaking engines and adjusting props,
becoming media savvy, working with
sponsors and racing. That’s the least we
can do for all those that went before and
the foundations they laid.
That’s the aim of Fast On water; to
create, not only a home to house the
history of the sport, but a place to be
inspired. A place that ignites peoples
enthusiasm for a much undervalued
sport that can offer so much for those
who decide to get involved.
If only the history of circuit racing had
been recorded to the same degree as our
four-wheeled colleagues – life would be
so much easier.
Here at Fast On Water we would love to
see some of the old tunnel hulls back on
the water. So if you know of any that are
no longer loved or wanted, please get
their owners to contact Roy Cooper at
[email protected]