involved turning up at the
LOBMBC and CMBRC respectively
with their ski boats to take part in
their first ever club race. At club
level it was acceptable to race your
runabout or ski boat as long as
hull and engine were deemed safe.
With the use of handicaps it didn’t
really matter that there could be as
many different boats as there were
If Bob and Roger were starting
today would they have wanted to
spend the sort of money required
to get a boat on the water at club
level? They may not be good
examples as they both had the
finances to purchase a race boat.
But would they have wanted to
make that amount of outlay before
they knew that circuit racing was
definitely for them?
Southend Motor Boat Club, 1965
OK, that was over 50 years ago but
you get my drift. The fact that
anyone could bring their boat
along to race at club level gave
anyone who wanted to, the chance
to try their hand at powerboat
That is very far from the situation
today and the continuing rule
changes make it ever harder for a
newcomer to get on the water.
With the introduction of enforced
training courses it becomes even
less likely that the general public
will feel this is something they can
have a go at.
If you look at the number of new
drivers entering the sport it
becomes obvious that there needs
to be a different attitude to what
happens at club level.