The Fastonwater website has now been up and running since January 2010. From its initial stages it has
developed into an excellent resource for those wanting to reminisce or learn about Circuit Powerboat
Racing in its heyday. I cannot give enough thanks to all those who have helped with archive material,
reminiscences and advice.
The idea of a website dedicated to the history of circuit powerboat racing came after attending the 2009
Nationals at Oulton Broad and the surprise of discovering that there was no online archive covering the
history of circuit powerboat racing in the UK. The website has developed rapidly and although there are
still a lot of gaps to fill, I am pleased how it has come along since the original concept.
This magazine is a direct offshoot of the website and the aim is to produce four issues a year.
Our next step was The FastOnWater Foundation, which is now called The Fast On Water Charity. Set up in
January 2013, its aim is to preserve and share the history of the sport and in the process introduce circuit
powerboat racing to a new audience.
Our bourgeoning collection already boasts 14 boats, numerous outboard engines and a large archive which
includes magazines, photographs and documents. We now hold the Charlie Sheppard Archive, the Kevin
Desmond Archive and much of what was housed at the old Motor Boat Museum, Basildon.
Oulton Broad, Suffolk, has huge significance within
the sport: it has been a venue of power boat racing
for over 100 years and has been the home of many
world champions.
We hope to raise enough funds to establish a
museum in the Lowestoft/Oulton Broad area of
Suffolk to display our historic exhibits, archives and
boats, with a view to entertaining and educating
people about this fantastic and fast moving sport.
We would love to hear from anyone interested in providing time, funds and/or sponsorship for this exciting
project and would welcome involvement of organisations as well as individuals.
More information can be found on where you can also find out about becoming a
member of the charity.
So, if you want to learn more about the history of Power Boat Racing in the UK; donate funds, time or
exhibits and/or become involved with the work of the Fast On Water Charity, please speak with Roy Cooper
on 07799673451 or email on [email protected]