Fashion Wanderer 1 | Page 3

Editors Letter

To start a

magazine and

be an editor

has always

been a dream

of mine. For

as long as I

can remember

I have written

letters, stories

and diary

entries, I've

never stopped



school, English

was my


subject but

fashion always

took over. from

shopping with

my friends and

going to London


Weekend with my mum, Fashion became a love rather than a hobby. I left Sixth Form College after a year and moved to the Fashion Retail Academy after realising that studying Psychology and Sociology was not the path that I wanted to take. After my first month studying Fashion Retail, I fully appreciated this area of fashion, which I aim to pursue a future career in.

Next year I will be moving to University to pursue my love and passion to study Fashion Journalism. I want this magazine to be a part of my journey in to the industry.

This magazine has been created for those individuals interested in the sphere of fashion who want to learn and explore what is current within this industry. I hope you enjoy Fashion Wanderer and can contribute to being a part of our Fashion Wanderer World.

Molly x

Fashion Wanderer