Fashion Volume 1 | Page 3

Your clothes say a lot about you. It's as a title to the definition of a person, and the reflection of the mental state. First of all, your choice of dress will influence people’s perception of you. In other words, there is much more to our clothing choices than we might imagine, so our clothes say a great deal about who we are, and can signal a great deal of socially important things to others as our ambitions, emotions and spending habits. Second, clothing also can affect the first impression in a big way. Whether it is acceptable or not, everyone will judge us according to our appearance and our clothes. In addition, the first

impression that is formed in the mind of someone on the other happens within three seconds. Therefor, this is the way the mind works.

Finally, it’s even launched a whole new type of psychology. Clinical psychologist Dr. Jennifer Baumgartner literally wrote the book on this phenomenon, which she calls the “psychology of dress.” In “ You Are What You Wear: What Your Clothes Reveal About You,” she explains not only how psychology determines our clothing choices, but how to overcome key

psychological issues. In conclusion, your clothes speak volumes in just a few seconds, and effects on our lives, our personal relationship and our sense of complacency.

By: Eilaf Sami Housa

By: Eilaf Sami Housa

What Do Your Clothes

Say About You